Walking Red Flag (Semyonov Bratva #3) Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Semyonov Bratva Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 69352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 347(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

“Collect call from Huntsville Penitentiary from,” the robotic voice changed when I got into the bedroom. I saw Cutter leaning over the trashcan throwing something into it when the voice hit me. “Your best boyfriend ever.”

I must’ve made some sound because Cutter whipped around toward me.

The shock started to course through my veins, but before I could hear anything more, Cutter put the phone to his ear.

His face went from concerned to thunderous, and my breathing accelerated.

“Listen to me and listen very carefully,” Cutter said in a dangerously low tone. “You will never call her again. You will lose her fuckin’ number. You try again, and I’ll make sure you never leave those prison walls.”

There was a long pause, and then Cutter turned even scarier. “Two weeks is a long time, my friend. Lots of things could happen in two weeks.”

There was another pause and then, “You could try. You could damn well try, but let’s just say that’ll never happen. Your attempt failed. You won’t ever get close to her.”

Cutter listened a little bit longer before hanging up.

When his eyes met mine, I knew that I wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

“Wonder how many more years Copper’ll get if he takes care of him now for me,” he replied.

I was already shaking my head. “You can’t ask him to do that.”

“To protect you, I’d ask him to do anything.”


To say that I was in a bad mood would be an understatement.

What was meant to be a fun day celebrating mine and Milena’s marriage with the club had turned into a planning session.

Luckily, Milena understood the assignment, and hadn’t fought me when I asked her for some time with the boys shortly after introducing them all.

She’d been miraculously easygoing about all of it, and only when I’d asked her why did her answer literally break me.

Cutter, darling. The fear that lives inside of me is constant. I know that one day that man is going to get out, and he’s going to come after me because his conceit won’t allow him to let the slight pass. However, when I saw him at the prison, I didn’t have you in my corner. My fear is barely noticeable when you’re around. And even when you’re not. Because I know that you’d protect me, even if you had to burn the city of Dallas down around our ears to make it happen.

“So what you need to do is get the ex-boyfriend brought in,” Hagrid said. “Short of killing him, which would be pretty hard to do since he’s high-profile right now.”

Hagrid wasn’t lying.

Asher was a goddamn boy wonder right now in the Dallas business community.

His think tank for whatever the fuck he was working on right now was going viral, and getting rid of him would be considerably harder now than it would have been even a week ago.

I should’ve just taken him out after the incident with Milena, but I’d allowed Shasha to deal with it.

And now I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

“I could plant something,” Apollo suggested. “I mean, he’s a computer tech. He might very well find it before it’s found, but if I’m smart about it, and leak it to the right people, I could have him brought in tomorrow if I tried hard enough.”

“Do it,” I agreed. “I’ll talk to Shasha and make sure that he’s on board, but I don’t see why he would have an issue.”

“Would be easier if we had time to get this done, though. Make it more of a permanent thing instead of a small charge. Really get it to stick,” Chevy put in.

“She’s headed to Montana,” I said. “Shasha is sending a bodyguard, so whatever we do needs to be done before she gets back so she’s not implicated.”

“So go over the phone call one more time,” Webber requested.

I looked over at Milena, who was talking with Simeon and Conway, her two newest hires.

She was over the moon to have them, and I was over the moon to have someone I knew could protect her and always be with her.

“Got home and started to take a shower. Milena followed me in like she always does when I’m gettin’ in, and the look on her face was…terrifying. Her face leeched of color and I reached for the phone,” I said as I leaned back in my chair and took a long sip of my beer. It was nearly hot, but I wouldn’t point that out. Simeon and Conway were doin’ the best they could with the hours that I’d pretty much forced upon them. I’d give them a slide on the beer. “When I put the phone to my ear, the first thing I heard was Lyle Pennington saying he was getting out soon.”

“What else did he say?” Chevy leaned forward, eager to hear it all.

