Vegas, Baby – Volume 1 Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 67644 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 338(@200wpm)___ 271(@250wpm)___ 225(@300wpm)

We’d wrapped late last night, and I hopped on a plane first thing in the morning. It wasn’t a long ride normally, but because it was a last-minute booking and with the number of people already trying to get to Vegas…I’d ended up being routed through Oakland, to Reno, then to Vegas. If I’d been thinking clearly, I would’ve just booked a private jet instead. But I’d been too damn focused on getting out the door to think about how long it was going to take me to get to Belle with the flight I’d booked. And now I was paying for it. I was fucking exhausted and wanted nothing more than to wrap Belle up in my arms, kiss the hell out of her, then curl up with her and take a nap.


I was so done with this chick. I waved her off and stepped out of line, whipping out my cell phone. I tapped the screen a few times, then waited while it rang. It went to voicemail, and I groaned. If I couldn’t get a hold of Drew…fuck. I really didn’t want to make the call to the next person on my list.

I sighed and scrolled to the next contact I needed and hit send.

“Thorne,” Knox growled when he answered. “Was I not clear about what would happen if you broke my sister’s heart?”

“I need your help.” I practically choked on the words.

“Why the fuck would I help you when I just held my sister in my arms while she cried herself to sleep? Not to mention spending the afternoon puking her damn guts up because you made her so upset she couldn’t even keep anything down. It’s barely dark out, but at least she’s getting the rest she needs after the craptastic day she’s had thanks to you.”

“Something’s wrong with Belle?” I practically shouted, my fingers squeezing the phone so hard it was amazing it didn’t crack. Pain sliced through my heart when I guessed that she’d been crying because I had been such an idiot and tried to surprise her. But for now, I need to focus on the fact that she was sick.

“I called a doctor to check on her. He said she’s fine, but when I went in to check on her, she fell the fuck apart.”

“Where is she? Let me talk to her,” I demanded.

“I’m not telling you shit until I decide whether you’re going to live or die, Thorne. Now, Drew convinced me to give you the benefit of the doubt and not kick your ass until I got an explanation. And before you blow smoke up my ass about the contract, I know you haven’t signed it yet. So, tell me why I shouldn’t rip you a new asshole.”

“For fuck’s sake, Knox,” I ground through a clenched jaw. “Can’t you trust the guy you’ve known for years just this once? I’m in Las Vegas. I’ve had to endure the flights from hell, and I just need to get to the fucking hotel! Then I promise, after I explain myself to Belle, who is the only person I owe it to, you’ll get your fucking turn!” I was shouting by the time I was done, and I winced when a mother with two small children threw me a dirty look.

“You’re at the airport?” he asked.

“Yes. And, apparently, it will take a miracle to get a car service or cab. So, send me Drew’s fucking driver, Moses.” I was a little quieter this time, but no less forceful.

I heard what sounded like a muffled chuckle but wondered if I’d imagined it when he growled, “He’ll be on his way in a few minutes.”

He gave me a specific location to meet the driver, somewhere we could avoid the crowds and keep me from being seen. I thanked him grudgingly, then sprinted to the exit where I would finally get on my way to Belle.

Once I arrived at The Lennox, I realized how stupid I’d been. I’d come here assuming Belle would be in her shop next door, but if she’d been sick, she might have gone home. And, I had no idea where that was since we’d spent our two days together in my hotel room.

I left my luggage with the driver and made a beeline for the chapel, hoping Aurora would be there since she managed the place. She was just hurrying out of her office when I approached and almost smacked right into me.

“Griffith! Dude, you better be here to make up with my sister or I’m going to make you pay, then hand you over to my brother.” Her brown eyes were narrowed, and I had the distinct impression that I needed to guard my balls.

“Where?” I asked, already pivoting on my heel to head back to the car.

“Wait!” Aurora called. “She got sick at the shop, so Autumn took her to their guest suite.”

