Variation Read Online Rebecca Yarros

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 166
Estimated words: 157273 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 786(@200wpm)___ 629(@250wpm)___ 524(@300wpm)

“You want to,” I prodded. “I can see it.”

“Like you know when I want things,” she muttered, folding her arms. “I have a great poker face.” Which she immediately ruined by raking her gaze over my torso and biting her lip.

“Maybe to everyone else.” I palmed her waist and turned, tugging her against me. “The water’s just how you like it, love. Wet. Deep. Safe. Come play.”

“You did not just make a sex joke.” Her gaze darted to the water.

“You can trust me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” All traces of teasing left my voice.

That got her full attention. She winced, then quickly smoothed her expression. “You can’t promise that.”

I brought my left hand up to her cheek and cupped her face, getting the feeling that she wasn’t just talking about the swing. “That’s exactly what I’m promising. We’ll do it together.”

“And what if I’m too scared to let go? Are you just going to fly off and leave me hanging?” She swallowed.

“I won’t let go until you do,” I promised, stroking her cheek. “We’ll swing back together, relaunch, and try it again. As many times as you need.” My stomach clenched. “You just have to have a little faith in me.”

She searched my eyes. “Do you think I’m absurd for being nervous? I mean, the kids aren’t scared.”

“You’re not absurd.” A smile tugged at my mouth. “They were scared the first time too. You’re just getting a later start.”

“Were you scared? Wait. Don’t answer that.” She threw up a hand and stepped out of my arms. “You’re never scared, which makes you a shitty barometer.” She blew out a slow breath. “All right. Let’s do it.”

“Really?” My grin was instant.

“Stop asking and let’s do it before I lose my nerve.” She yanked her shirt over her head, and I did my absolute best to keep my eyes off the swells of her breasts.

Damn my memory, I could still feel the hard buds of her nipples in my mouth, hear her little gasps of pleasure. Not right now. For fuck’s sake, we were surrounded by my family, and I was twenty-eight years old, not some hormonal teenager. This was most definitely not the time.

She shimmied out of her shorts.

Never mind. I was a kid in a candy store and Allie was pure sugar. Every inch of her was delectably perfect. Somehow, I managed to shut my mouth without drooling, and walk her down to the rope.

The kids climbed out, and Gavin trailed after them. “I don’t know how the hell you tread water constantly,” he griped. “I’ve got to go to the gym.”

I laughed, then took hold of the rope as Allie leaned out over the ten-foot embankment. “You ready?”

“We both can’t sit on that thing.” She motioned to the wooden disk.

“We’re going to stand.” I held the rope steady. “You hop on first, and I’ll pull us up the hill, and then jump on with you.”

She stared at the disk. “You could just let me go.”

“I could, but that would make me an asshole.” I crooked my hand at her. “Come on, Allie.”

“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” She gripped the rope with both hands, then stepped onto her side of the disk.

God help us if I ever took her bungee jumping.

“Good girl.” I locked eyes with her, then dug my heels into the ground and backed up, dragging her up the hillside. “I’m not going to jump on until you want me to.”

“Your exact word was need, if I recall,” she muttered.

“Now who’s making sex jokes?” I bit back a smile and we reached the sweet spot for taking off. “You tell me when.”

She took a deep breath, then another, and another, adjusting her grip on the rope. “How will I know when to let go so I don’t hit the shore down there instead of the water?”

“I’ll tell you.”

“Okay. Let’s go.” She nodded.

“You’re sure?” I prepared to launch.

“Right now!” she ordered.

I jumped with both feet and landed on the disk, then momentum swung us down the hill.

Allie shrieked, and I let go with one hand, wrapping my arm around her waist as we cleared the shore and shot out over the lake. I waited for the water to turn that deep blue that equaled depth, and shouted, “Now!”

The second I saw her let go, I did the same, and we flew.

The lake rushed up to meet us, and I held my breath before we hit. Water engulfed us, rushing over our heads. I slid my hand from her waist and grabbed her hand before I kicked for the surface.

I popped up a second before she did.

She gasped when she hit air, and I let her hand go so she could tread water, remembering that what was second nature to me wasn’t to her. “That was . . .” Her eyes locked on mine and she smiled wide. “That was incredible!”

