Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hotshots Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“Well, enjoy it.” Hartman’s laugh sounded genuine enough, which loosened some of Brandt’s tension. He hadn’t liked feeling like he’d be letting people down by taking time off.

“I’ll try.” Again his gaze found Shane. His eyes were weary, a certain heaviness to his shoulders and his steps as he walked back toward Brandt. They needed to get out of this place, out of these clothes, out of the stress of the past few days. Back to being them. Back to a place where he could show Shane how much he meant to Brandt.

Chapter Thirty

“Man. What a day.” Shane emerged from his shower to find Brandt on the couch, no baby in hand. She’d been hard to settle after her long day, so Brandt had eventually waved him off so he could rock her in the dark. Looked like it worked.

“It was.” Brandt stretched before motioning Shane closer. He looked older, like the court stuff had aged him. It had certainly taken a lot out of all of them. Brandt’s eyes creased as Shane came nearer to the couch. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Just...long day.” He couldn’t help the sigh that escaped. He wished he’d been able to convince Shelby to stick around long enough to maybe see a doctor or counselor, but she’d said she wanted to get back to Macy’s tour. She needed a better plan than that, but Shane didn’t know how to force her to get help. She’d put the baby first though, so that was a step. Not enough. But something.

And the way she’d hugged him had stripped away years of uneasy feelings. He loved his sister. He wanted her to make better choices. He wanted her happy and healthy. Seeing her cry had been like taking a fist to the gut. He’d teared up too. Nothing about this thing was easy, and as relieved as he was for Brandt and Jewel, the finality of having a court judgment was also sobering.

“I’m worried about her too.” Brandt nodded like he’d caught on to Shane’s thoughts. “Today wasn’t really a win for anyone.”

“It was for Jewel.” He didn’t like how down Brandt sounded, so he forced out a more optimistic tone. “She gets some stability. And she gets you.”

That got half a smile from Brandt. “Thank you for believing in me.”

“Anytime.” He let Brandt capture his hand and tug Shane onto the couch. He was too tall for Brandt’s lap, but Brandt seemed to want him there anyway, arranging them this way and that until they were partially reclined together, him wedged between Brandt’s legs. Not entirely comfortable, but he loved the nearness, especially when Brandt kissed the side of his head.

“Speaking of stable routines, at least she’s asleep now. She was a bit fussy without your singing, but we managed.”

“You do just fine on your own.” Damn it. His dreary tone was back and that was probably not what Brandt needed. But he couldn’t help it. He liked being valuable to Brandt, even for something like his lullaby skills. He’d even pulled on a pair of flannel pants after the shower and a T-shirt, to be ready for more bedtime duty.

“Not true.” Brandt squeezed him closer, settling a hand over Shane’s heart. “We need you. I need you.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll help—”

“Not as a workhorse. Or a babysitter. You’re more than that.” Brandt spread his palm wide so that the heat of it seemed to melt into Shane’s heart. Or maybe that was simply his words.


“You make this a family.” Brandt’s voice was as gentle as Shane had heard it. But strong too, like he truly believed his pretty words. “Without you, we’re a triangle without its points. You connect everything up.”

“Are we sure you’re not the songwriter?” He tilted his head back further simply to watch Brandt blush.

“Hush.” Brandt tapped Shane’s lips. “I’m trying here.”

“I know. And I appreciate that.” Inhaling Brandt’s familiar smell, he rubbed his cheek against the faded T-shirt Brandt had changed into after court. “I like having a family. Never thought I’d get one of my own though.”

“Me either.” A world of meaning passed between them, two less-than-ideal childhoods shaping their adult selves, the choices they’d made to keep themselves safe. Shane had assumed that stability simply wasn’t in his genes, but Brandt sure as hell made him want to try, showed him what a family could be. What it should be. And maybe it made him a better brother too, made it easier to hold Shelby tight and wish her well. Like it or not, they were all in this together.

“I like it though,” he admitted softly. “The other night at the contest...knowing you were watching, that made all the difference.”

“We’re gonna get shirts and pom-poms next round.” Brandt jostled him with his leg, strong thigh rubbing against Shane’s and making it so he didn’t know whether to laugh at the ridiculous joke or moan at the contact.

