Up in Smoke (Hotshots #4) Read Online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hotshots Series by Annabeth Albert

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97633 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“Do that.” The hard edge to Shane’s voice made Brandt’s cock throb. “Get it in there, show me what you like.”

“Yeah.” Brandt pushed the toy in, steady like he liked, not so fast as to court a harsh sting, but enough that his body shuddered as it tried to adjust to the intrusion. His rim burned, but already the fullness was chasing that sensation away, replacing it with deep pleasure. He lacked Shane’s way with words, but it didn’t much matter because all he could do was moan softly anyway as he went deeper.

“Fuck. You’re so fucking hot.” Shane was leaning back in the chair now, stroking his cock, one hand flicking his nipple. Brandt wanted to do that for him, preferably with him buried in Brandt’s ass, moaning just like that at how good it felt.

“Tell me,” Brandt demanded as he rocked his hips to take the toy a little deeper.

“Turns me on, watching you open like this, taking it so good. Give yourself more.” Finally, Shane’s voice had more waver to it, more proof that he was as close to the edge as Brandt.

“Trying.” Brandt’s eyes screwed closed as he delved deeper, letting awareness of Shane fade so that it was simply him and the toy, doing what he liked.

“That’s it.” Shane’s voice cut through his pleasure fog, but instead of making him tense, the praise made him melt further. “I want you to find that spot. The one you keep raving about.”

Brandt had been close before Shane spoke, and his command was all it took for him to angle the toy upward, pressing into his prostate now. “Aaah. There.”

“Jesus. Your eyes rolled back in your head. So fucking sexy. Do that again.”

Shane didn’t have to ask him twice. Brandt started fucking himself in earnest then, long, deep strokes that had him panting. “Fuck. Yes.”

“You ever come without a hand on your dick?” Leaning forward, Shane rubbed Brandt’s foot, a grounding touch, a welcome reminder that he was more than a detached audience member.

“Couple times.” Brandt loved the memory of those solo sessions, but no way was he going to last that long now. “Not...usually...patient.”

“Not surprised there.” Laughing, Shane resumed stroking his cock, voice all confident. “Bet I could make you wait.”

Brandt wanted to drown in Shane’s confidence, let his demands carry him higher than he could go on his own. “Hell yes you could.”

The thought of coming on Shane’s cock had him reaching for his cock, needing to chase the edge that much faster.

“No. Not yet.” Shane’s harsh command stilled Brandt’s hand. “Get closer. So close you’re gonna die if you don’t touch your cock.”

“Fuck. You don’t ask for much.” Even as he complained, Brandt still moved his free hand away and started fucking himself faster with the dildo, hard thrusts that had his back arching and thigh muscles shaking. “Right...there...now. Please. Now.”

“That’s it. Beg me.” Shane’s hand sped up, the tip of his cock glistening with fresh moisture that he spread around with his thumb. Watching him might be enough to get Brandt there, but he was still greedy and impatient.

“Please. You come too. Please.”

Shane shook his head like he was about to say no, then his whole body tensed. Oh fuck yes. He was unraveling exactly as Brandt had hoped.

“Do it. Stroke that cock for me. Come.” Shane didn’t really have to add that last command because Brandt already was. Didn’t even take two full strokes of his fist before he was shooting creamy ropes all over his abs. His ass spasmed around the toy, another layer of pleasure that coaxed another few spurts when he pressed deeper. Shane must have liked that because he was coming too, even before Brandt withdrew the toy, groaning and arching away from the chair before slumping back.

“Dear God that was maybe the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Shane’s come had landed both on his own stomach and Brandt’s leg, and he fumbled for his shirt on the floor, using it to clean them both.

“Live action porn?” Brandt stretched as Shane swiped at his stomach.

“And then some.” Shane glanced down at the bed, and for a second, Brandt was sure he was about to stretch out next to him, but instead he gave the barest shake of his head and stepped back.

“Damn.” Brandt hid any conflicting feelings under a laugh. No way was he begging Shane to cuddle. “Now I need a second shower.”

“Yeah, you do.” Shane’s mouth quirked, again like he wanted to say more than he was. “Tell you what, you go first, leave me some hot water, then I’ll shower and see if I can sleep. I’ll take the first wakeup, get you some consecutive hours before you have to work tomorrow.”

“You taking pity on me because I’m all fucked out now?” Brandt waggled his eyebrows and kept his voice easy because the alternative was a level of neediness he never let himself have. If he wanted a cuddle and to drift off together, that unfamiliar impulse was on him, not Shane.

