Up in Arms Read Online Free Books Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 84985 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 425(@200wpm)___ 340(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“Trevor, listen to me. You’re pushing every boundary I have at this moment,” Reed groaned breathlessly as he lightly slid his mouth across Trevor's. “I can think of no better pleasure at this moment than to force you against the wall and grant your wish.”

Letting his hand drop on top of Trevor’s hand, Reed tightened his grip on the swollen cock, allowing his thumb to circle the thick broad head. His tongue slowly slid across Trevor's trembling lips. “Listen to me, you're not pathetic and it’s not dumb to save yourself. The man who pushed you away is a fool. I don't know how he could do it because I'm having a very hard time controlling myself right now. I want you so badly, I ache.” Reed smiled softly. “And if that was your first kiss with a man, then I am honored you chose to share it with me. If I have my way, I can assure you it won't be our last.”

Leaning in, Reed pressed his lips to Trevor's. He wouldn't let it go any farther than this, but Trevor needed to be reassured he was wanted. Trevor began to stroke himself faster as the demanding kiss continued. Struggling within his inner self, Reed’s hand rode on top of Trevor's. Do I stop him? Do I let him finish? Reed wanted to push Trevor’s hand out of the way, drop to his knees, and take him into his mouth to help him find his release. But Reed knew where that would lead, so instead, he broke from the kiss long enough to grab his handkerchief from his pocket. He spun Trevor so his back rested against the wall.

“Oh yeah...that feels so fucking good. I need it harder. Shit, the fuckin’ spinning won’t stop!” Trevor said, opening his eyes, gazing up into the night sky. “God, this feels so good.” Trevor’s hips began bucking back and forth, pushing into Reed’s hand.

Forcefully, Reed slammed his mouth against Trevor’s, sucking his tongue deep into his mouth. Reed wrapped his fingers tightly around Trevor’s hand and strengthened his strokes. “God, this is all I can do for you right now, Trevor. I want you so fucking bad, but not like this, not with you this drunk.”

Again, Reed questioned this new found conscience. He ran his lips and mouth across Trevor’s jaw and neck, whispering sweet words of encouragement against his warm skin. Trevor was intoxicating. Reed’s own arousal throbbed, straining against the binding material. He ached to be touched. Instead, he kept to his word. His pants stayed zipped, his hand stayed on top of Trevor’s as his breaths deepened, becoming erratic.

Trevor’s head rolled back. His lips parted as his body began to tighten. Reed knew he was close. Pulling back, he looked down making sure the handkerchief was opened before he lowered it.

“Trevor, look at me! I want it to be me you see when you come...I want it to always be me,” Reed whispered urgently. Trevor's cerulean gaze met his. Reed felt his body buck, his hips arch forward, and his arousal was pushed hard into Reed’s hand. Trevor shuddered, but his blue eyes stayed focused on him as the release came. After the last spasm shook Trevor's body, Reed wrung the last drop from him before disposing of the cloth. Reed kept Trevor in his arms, slanting his mouth over his still parted lips. He couldn’t help but push his tongue into Trevor's mouth, their eyes locked as they kissed.

After a minute, Trevor pulled himself from the kiss, leaning his head back but keeping his eyes on Reed. A smile spread across his lips. “I finally had sex the right way, with a man. Damn, it was so good...I knew it would be.” Trevor pitched forward, grabbing for his stomach, pushing hard from the wall. His pants still at his ankles, he muttered, “Oh hell!” Stumbling over his pants, he finally threw up.

“It's okay, Trev. I'm going to get you home. Although I must say I don't think I've ever brought on this reaction to anyone ever before,” Reed said, lightly patting Trevor’s back, chuckling at his own remark.

“Here let me help you with your pants,” he added, once Trevor appeared to be finished. Bending over, Reed angled his head, looking back up the long line of Trevor's body. The guy was built like a Greek god, and even with his cock half erect, Trevor was still very impressive. Sighing, Reed rose, pulling Trevor’s pants up his muscular thighs. He laughed at the helpless, drunken flailing of arms which meant Reed had to do all the work. Reed quickly tucked Trevor in his pants, zipping and buttoning him up, and then placed an arm around his shoulders to hold him upright.

“Come on, handsome. Let’s get you home.”

They made their way across the parking lot to his car. Trevor moved in sloppy movements, staying quiet except for the occasional moan. Reed propped him up against the side of the car, making sure he didn't fall forward. With his free hand, Reed took his keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors with a click of the button. “Here we go, why don't you sit right here. Let me help you.” Lowering him into the seat, Reed reached across Trevor to adjust the strap. “Let me just find the buckle, babe.”

From nowhere, Reed felt Trevor’s hand cupping his cheek. A velvety moist tongue licked up his neck. Trevor’s hot breath tickled his ear. A shiver ran up Reed’s spine when Trevor gently bit the soft skin of his earlobe before sucking the tender flesh into his mouth. But then a moan that was decidedly unsexy escaped Trevor lips as he dropped his head back to the head rest and once again held his stomach.

“Shit, I shouldn't have done that. Crap, I feel like shit.”

Stunned completely, Reed blinked at Trevor. The feel of Trevor’s tongue and teeth on his skin shot straight to his already aching cock. Thank goodness the fresh bout of nausea halted Trevor’s pursuit because Reed didn't think he could have held back any longer. He placed the tip of his finger on Trevor’s chin, pulling his head back down, looking him directly in the eye.

