Up in Arms Read Online Free Books Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 84985 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 425(@200wpm)___ 340(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

They followed Natalie into a spacious exam room. The room was so large it held a waiting area with a small solid print sofa and flat screen television anchored from the ceiling. Along with a small sink, refrigerator, and a large open area, the room was designed for a wheelchair to easily access everything.

“Here’s your room. Dr. Carlton and Dr. McBride will be with you shortly. Until then, please remove your clothing and have a seat on the exam table. Here’s a gown for you to wear. Dr. McBride called and he’s running a little behind. We’re waiting for his arrival now and expect him at any moment. Again, please make yourself at home. I’ll leave this folder with you now.”

“Perfect, Natalie. Thank you for the warm greeting.” Reed grinned his sexy grin and gave her a wink, pushing Trevor into the room, helping him from the chair. After a moment, when no answer came from Natalie, both Trevor and Reed looked her way. She stood just staring at them. Her only movement was the blinking of her eyes. All three of them held each other’s gaze for a brief moment before Natalie finally turned on her heels, clearing her throat.

“All right then, I’ll leave you two to get ready. Just dial zero if you need anything.” Natalie didn’t look back as she left the room, pushing the door wide open with the palms of her hands.


“Dear Lord, could they be any hotter? Seriously, why do all the good looking ones have to be gay? I mean, Jesus Christ, did you see those two?” Natalie took her clip board and began to fan herself, muttering while stepping up to the large ornately curved mahogany receptionist desk in the front lobby of the hospital.

“Did you see them, Nikki? That one in the chair was seriously a brick house, or heck, he looked like he benched brick houses regularly. And, dear God, when the blond smiled at me I lost all ability to reason,” Natalie whispered, while bending over the side of the high reception desk. Nikki quietly pointed her finger in the direction of a new tour, standing just a few feet from them in the front foyer of the hospital.

Natalie’s assistant, Mandy, was just starting the standard introductory greeting they were all required to give with two potential prospects, and Natalie didn’t hesitate. She straightened and ran her hands down the front of her business suit, putting on her game face. Census room counts were down; the hospital needed patients badly. Incentives were handed down earlier this morning. For every new person brought in, there would be a five hundred dollar bonus sent her way. Clearing her throat, Natalie stuck out her hand in greeting to the very pretty young woman talking to her mousy, frumpy assistant, who painstakingly followed protocol to the point of boring the prospective patients away.

“Hi, I’m Natalie Vickery, Patient Liaison. Welcome to National Rehabilitation Hospital. Thank you, Mandy, I’ll take it from here.” With that, Natalie effectively dismissed her employee without a backward glance. She turned to the woman, who was standing with a young man. They looked as different as two people could look. They didn’t seem to be a couple. The woman was polished and smoothly sophisticated, wearing spiky Jimmy Choos, large round Prada sunglasses, and carrying a fashionably sensible, large Louis Vuitton shoulder bag. She wore thousands of dollars in just her accessories, while the man beside her looked like he just rolled out of bed and forgot to comb his hair or shave his face, and possibly forgot to brush his teeth or put clean clothes on. Natalie forced her eyes away from the man to turn back to the woman.

“I’m sorry, but you look so familiar to me. Have we met before?” Natalie asked, looking the woman over closely, trying to place her.


“I’m Michelle Buffet and this is my older brother, Josh. We’re looking for a place for our father. He was recently in a mountain climbing accident. My father wants to keep things under wraps. His board of directors doesn’t know of this accident. There was alcohol involved. So, Father sent us here to start the process. We only want the best for his care. Money isn’t an issue, and Daddy usually likes to have a floor to himself in situations like these. Not that there have been a lot of situations like these, but there have been a few. Can you accommodate such a stay?” Laurie spoke quickly, giving a fake cultured British accent.

On the ride over, she drilled Josh, her cameraman, on possible alibis and accents. This was the only one he could pull off effectively, and they needed to sound similar yet foreign in order for this to work. Adjusting the straps of her fake Louis Vuitton over her shoulder, she felt the weight of Josh’s camera straining her neck and shoulder muscles. She knew the weight would cause a painful crick in her neck by morning.

“Absolutely, Ms. Buffet, I understand the importance of discretion. You will absolutely get it here. It’s very responsible of you to do this for your father. The sooner you get him into the facility, the better and faster his outcome will be. We do have the room right now to accommodate a floor request, but you would have to act fast to secure an entire floor dedicated to him. Walk with me. Let’s take this conversation to a more private area and I’ll show you around. We can end the tour in my office. I can have the contracts drawn up within minutes to get your father started.”

“Great, but the stay will be extended. I’m not sure he would be willing to leave until the whole process is complete. Money isn’t an issue, I’m sure you know of my father’s wealth. Is there a secure entrance for him?” Laurie could see Natalie sizing her up, connecting her with Warren Buffet, the dollar signs coming to her eyes. Who knew if Warren Buffet had children, but she could tell Natalie fell hook, line, and sinker for her story. Resisting the urge to do the happy dance right here in the foyer, Laurie followed slowly behind. She wished Natalie would just walk and stop looking back over her shoulder.

