Untouchable Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 175455 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 877(@200wpm)___ 702(@250wpm)___ 585(@300wpm)

“Your mouth around my cock. I might end up fucking you, too, but it doesn’t count toward the first debt if I do.”

I try to ignore the throbbing in my core, try to stabilize the rise and fall of my chest as I breathe, but judging by the warmth in Carter’s eyes, he recognizes that he’s turning me on. More because I actually want it than because I want Grace’s puppy returned to her, I say, “All right. Lunchtime today?”

Regretfully, he shakes his head. “Can’t do it today. Can’t do it tonight. How ‘bout tomorrow? We can grab some dinner or catch a movie.”

“You don’t get a date,” I inform him, keeping my voice low, given the occupancy of the hall. Leaning in a little to remain unheard by passersby (and a little to torture him), I murmur, “You get your dick sucked. Nothing more.”

His grip on my arm tightens and he pulls me harder against him. “Then I’ll take more, whether you want to give it to me or not.”

Since I only have so many tools at my disposal, and my version of playing dirty is much more limited than his, I lean in and whisper in his ear, “Promise?”

“You’re making it difficult not to fuck you right here, right now.”

Biting back a little smile, I point out, “Even you can’t get away with that.”

Lust burns in his dark eyes when I pull back and meet his gaze. I can feel how much he wants me, and as menacing as he is, as angry as I’ve been at him, being wanted by him this much sends a spike of excitement straight through me. My breasts feel heavy and restrained inside my top. I want to rip it off and let him feast on them. I want him to turn me around, push me up against that wall he’s leaning on, and fucking devour me.

I want him, period.

I need to get away from him before I do something incredibly stupid. Before I toss my principles out the window and agree to be with him again, just so he’ll stop playing these senseless games and fuck me already.

I take a step back, since distance is the only thing that can help me now.

Carter sees me trying to retreat, but he doesn’t stop me. “Tomorrow,” he says, simply. Pushing off the wall, he touches my face one more time before walking away.

Chapter 47

Given the peace accord I felt like we struck this morning, I did not expect any additional Carter drama for the rest of my Friday. I figured I would go to Grace’s house after work, “help her find” Scout, and then go home. Nice and simple, no more surprises.

Then Kasey texts me a picture from the hallway, freaking out about something going on with Erika Martin. I couldn’t give less fucks about Erika Martin, but curiosity gets the best of me and I check the picture Kasey sent. It was a sneaky photo taken while she walked past, so it’s not a great picture, but it shows Erika standing at her locker in her cheer uniform, the principal and guidance counselor both standing beside her at her open locker.

“What is that?” I text back, unsure why she’s sending me this picture.

“Shit is going DOWN,” she tells me. “Idk, I’ve gotta get details.”

Feeling unsettled, I put my phone back on my desk before the teacher sees me messing with it and turn my mind off Erika for the rest of class.

My next class is history. My. Hassenfeld doesn’t suffer fools and he’s already given me my free pass for the year, so I don’t worry about Erika’s ordeal while he’s teaching. When history lets out, I check my texts, but Kasey still hasn’t sent anything back. I hate even thinking about Erika Martin at this point, since thinking of her just brings back mental flashes of her in bed with Carter. By the time I get to history, I’m thinking less of ripping Carter’s clothes off and more of burning them.

Perhaps because I didn’t cast him any longing or lustful looks, Carter catches up to me in the hall after class.

“You look grumpy. Sexually frustrated?”

I slide him an unamused look. “Just the ‘frustrated’ part. Do you know anything about what’s goin’ on with Erika today?”

“I no longer associate with Erika,” he informs me.

“Uh huh.”

“I don’t.” He draws an ex over the left side of his chest. “Cross my heart.”

“She’s a cheerleader. You’re the quarterback. You can’t be strangers, even if you tried.”

Carter shrugs, but strangely offers no further argument. “You should come to lunch today. You can sit with us.”

“I don’t want to sit with your friends. Besides, your table is all guys. Segregated lunch seems to be your thing.”

“Usually, but exceptions can be made. Come on, I’ll buy you lunch. Cafeteria lunch is admittedly not as appealing as outside lunch, but I work with what I’m given.”

