Unmasked Legacy (Fallen Sons MC #1) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Fallen Sons MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 60576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)

“You goin’ to tell me what you need or are you goin’ to keep eye fuckin’ me?”

I jerk. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

“Baby, I can see it in your face. You’re wonderin’ how it feels to be on my cock.”

The arrogance of this man.

“Don’t call me baby, and trust me, I’m not.”

He grins.

Just get on with it, Mera.

“I want to find the missing girl.”

He pushes up off the chair, his interest piqued. “What?”

“I didn’t stutter, biker. I want to find that girl, and I need your help doing it. This entire town thinks it was me, and I’m going to find her and prove to everyone here that it wasn’t. I need your help to do that.”

His eyes darken, flashing with something I don’t quite understand. “What part of stay out of this shit didn’t you get?”

“Listen, we can have the same conversation over and over, or you can decide if you are going to help me or not. Either way, I’m going to find her.”

“Some fuckin’ psycho probably has her, and you want to roll in and be a fuckin’ hero?”

“My father was a psycho, what can I say? I’m invested.”

My tone is laced with sarcasm.

“How do you think I can help you?”

“You know people, you can find out things nobody else can. This is clearly some attempt at a copycat killer, or even someone wanting to frame me. Either way, it’s a person that I have no doubt is well hidden, and I can’t find that person on my own.”

He tips his head to the side. “What’s in it for me?”

“Well, you’ve made it clear that sex is out of the picture, so I guess the only thing left is that I will promise to leave town if you help me.”

He grins. “So you don’t want to fuck me?”

“God, you’re arrogant. No, I do not, I’m just stating that sex isn’t on the table, considering it’s usually the first thing someone offers.”

He keeps the grin.

“Will you help me or not?”

“If you agree to get out of town and stay out once we find that girl, no matter if you have answers or not, then yeah, I’ll help you.”

I grit my teeth. I don’t want to leave without answers, but I also can’t do this alone. I need his help, so I’ll just have to make sure while we are finding the missing girl that I am getting as many answers as I can.

“Deal,” I mutter.

Pushing to his feet, he takes a step toward me and leans down close, his breath smells like cigarette and ... fucking Esme.

“Know this, Kitten. If you fuck me over, you’ll wish you hadn’t. A deal is a deal. You leave when we are done.”

I exhale. “Yeah, I got it. Trust me.”

He steps back, letting me get to my feet. I move to the door, but he calls out just as I reach it. Turning, I stare at him, my expression blank. I’m praying I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my life.

“Why are you so determined to get answers?”

I tip my head to the side, and our eyes don’t waver when I answer. “Because the man I grew up with was so different to the man who butchered those women. I need to know why, but mostly, I need to know if he killed my mother.”

“Think it’s pretty apparent he did.”

“Yeah, it is, but I still have a lot of questions, and I’m going to find the answers. I’m only just scratching the surface on his twisted life.”

“Why not go see him? Not like he’s far.”

I flinch.

I haven’t laid eyes on my father since the day he got arrested.

“I don’t know if I can look him in the eye.”

Wolfe studies me, then nods. “Be here tomorrow, seven am. We will start lookin’ for this girl.”

“Okay,” I say, before turning and leaving.

I either just made the biggest mistake of my life, or the best decision.

I haven’t figured out which it is yet.


“Ijust wanted to say how sorry I am.”

Standing at Jace’s door, I figured it was about time I came and apologized to him for what happened the other night. I haven’t made contact yet, mostly because I have been so caught up in other things. It isn’t right, though, and I know he deserves an apology.

“Didn’t think I was going to hear from you again, if I’m honest,” he murmurs, crossing his arms over his bare, beautiful chest.

“It has been a rough few days, but I promise you, you were on my mind. I know what happened was intense, and I’m incredibly sorry for that.”

“The biker pulled a gun on me, Mera. Want to tell me why you’re involved with that club?”

I exhale. No point in lying to him. “He’s helping me.”

His face flashes with something I can’t quite read, and his lips form a tight line. “You’re trusting criminals to help you?”

