Unleashed by the Defender – Brides of the Kindred Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

Well, it looked like it was time to use the tools and suggestions that Liv had given her.

“What if I told you I have something that might help?” she asked. “Something to keep me safe even if you do lose control and go feral?”

“You do?” J’are frowned at her suspiciously. “What do you mean?”

“Come in the bedroom and I’ll show you.” Imani got up from the couch and grabbed him by the arm. “Come on,” she said tugging gently. “Just come see—please, J’are?”

At last, with a sigh, the big Nightwalker rose and came with her into the bedroom. Once inside, he looked around with a frown.

“Well? Where is this miracle solution? I don’t see anything.”

“Look closer,” Imani murmured. “On the bedposts.”

J’are walked over and looked with a frown at the padded handcuffs hooked to the bedposts on either side.

“What are those? Some kind of restraints?”

“Exactly.” Imani smiled at him. “Liv gave them to me. Apparently lots of couples use them to ‘play’ when they’re making love, but these are actually really strong—made to Kindred specifications. So you can trust that they’ll hold.”

“So…you want to chain me up while we make love?” J’are’s green eyes flashed. “Is that it?”

“I think it’s the best way for you to feel safe,” Imani told him. “This way if you go feral in the middle of our lovemaking, you can’t, er, get into any trouble.” She arched an eyebrow at him. “Plus, maybe this time I want to be in charge. What do you think?”

“What do I think?” J’are went to lie down in the middle of the bed and raised his arms. “I think you should chain me up immediately,” he growled, his voice deep with lust. “Because I fucking want you, Imani—it’s been killing me how much I want you—I just didn’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” she assured him as she went to lock the padded cuffs around his wrists.

They were made of dark gray plastisteel—an extremely strong substance, Liv had assured her. They ought to hold firm even if J’are went feral in the middle of their lovemaking. Although, remembering the hot, wild way he had rubbed against her on their first night together when he was scent-marking her, Imani couldn’t help feeling a little sorry as she locked the gray bracelets around his wrists. She had been scared during their bonding night, but also incredibly turned on. His feral side seemed to bring out her own wild instincts.

Once J’are was secure, lying on his back with his long, muscular arms stretched out on either side of him, she sat back to admire the view. He was wearing only a pair of silky black sleep trousers which left his top bare. The black k’dra markings all up and down his arms and chest and shoulders made him look exotic and dangerous and his pale green eyes were filled with hunger for her.

A hunger Imani felt for him as well.

“All right now,” she murmured, giving him a lazy smile. “How should we begin?”

“How about taking off that little robe you’re wearing?” J’are murmured, his eyes flicking over her from head to foot. “I’ve been trying so damn hard not to look at you but I’ve been dying to see your sweet body again, baby.”

“Mmm, I guess I could do that.”

Imani gave him a naughty little smile and untied the sash of the emerald green robe she was wearing. Under it, she had on a pretty little outfit she’d bought at one of the stores near the common area while J’are ran in the morning. It was a silky deep green teddy with lacy, see-through cups which tied right between her breasts and came down just barely far enough to cover the green lace panties that went with it.

The panties themselves might have come straight from Yonnie Six. They were small and lacy but best of all, they had a slit running right up the middle, making them essentially crotchless when Imani spread her legs.

“Gods!” J’are’s voice was a deep, hungry growl. “If I’d known you were wearing that under the robe, I don’t know if I could’ve held myself back from taking you!”

“Well now you don’t have to hold back,” Imani pointed out, arching an eyebrow at him. “Because the cuffs will do it for you.”

“Come here.” His voice was hoarse with desire. “Come closer and let me see you better, baby.”

“I’d be happy to.” Straddling his waist, she sat down, pressing her panty-clad pussy against the long ridge of his shaft, which was straining against the black material of his trousers.

“Gods!” J’are groaned as she rubbed against him. “You’re driving me crazy!”

“Mmm, but I’ve only just started,” Imani purred. Slowly, deliberately, she untied the deep green teddy and let it fall open, revealing her bare, thrusting breasts. Her nipples were tight with desire—they looked like ripe berries begging to be sucked.

