Unleashed by the Defender – Brides of the Kindred Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Maybe…” J’are frowned. “If anyone would be arrogant enough to keep evidence of a crime in her domicile, it would be Mistress Bittlebum.”

“Do you think you could stand to stay here longer than we originally planned?” Imani asked him softly. “It would be poetic justice if we could pin Lady Zangelo’s murder on the woman who stole your inheritance.”

His eyes flashed.

“I wouldn’t mind that a bit. Yes, I think I can hang on.” He shifted uncomfortably. “If we can just get out of this crowd. My feral half doesn’t like crowded environments—makes him feel trapped.”

“Let’s go say hello to Judge Thoughtgood, like we intended to in the first place. Then I can ask someone where the bathroom is and we can slip away,” Imani suggested.

He nodded.

“Lead the way, Mistress. I’ll be perfectly well behaved.”

“Excellent. Come on.” Imani took his leash and they threaded their way through the crowd until she came to Judge Thoughtgood, who was wearing all purple tonight.

“Ah, Councilor Williams,” she said, inclining her head to Imani, which made her tower of purple hair bend forward alarmingly. “And how are you and the Nightwalker enjoying the party?”

“Very much, your Honor,” Imani said, smiling as naturally as she could. “As you can see, J’are is having no trouble at all here, even though it’s very crowded.”

“It is crowded.” Judge Thoughtgood fanned herself with one hand. “I don’t know when I’ve been so warm! I thought Mistress Bittlebum said she was only inviting fifty or sixty guests but it seems like all of Opulex is here!”

She seemed much looser and more relaxed than she had in court, Imani thought, eyeing the judge. Maybe the fizzing pink drink in her hand had something to do with it. If it was anything near as strong as the one she had tasted, a little bit of it would go a long way towards lowering inhibitions.

“Mistress, your ribbon has become untied. May I fix it for you?” J’are murmured.

Looking down, Imani saw that one of the little black slippers she was wearing—which did, in fact have long satin ribbons which laced around her ankles—had become untied.

“Why thank you, J’are—of course you may,” she said, smiling at him.

Gracefully, the big Kindred dropped to his knees and began to retie her ribbon. When he finished, he kissed the top of her foot gently before rising again.

The overly submissive display made Imani uncomfortable but when she looked up at Judge Thoughtgood, she understood why J’are had done it. She was smiling and nodding approvingly as he rose to his feet.

“Well, Councilor, it seems that beauty has tamed the savage beast,” she remarked to Imani. “I never would have believed when he was brought into my courtroom, snapping and snarling, that this male could be made into a halfway decent bodyslave!”

“He was just upset by his time in the hole, er, the detention center, your Honor,” Imani said earnestly. “He’s not a bad-tempered male at all—but he was fighting for his life down there and it made him half crazy. Now that he’s with someone who understands and cares for him, he’s a completely different person.”

“I can well believe it.” Judge Thoughtgood scanned J’are with her sharp eyes and nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, I can. Listen, Councilor Williams…” She looked at Imani. “Bring him to my courtroom, first thing tomorrow morning, and I’ll officially release him into your custody. Then you can take him anywhere you like.”

“Thank you, your Honor!” Imani nodded gratefully. “We’ll be there, first thing.”

“I’ll see you then.” Judge Thoughtgood nodded dismissively. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I see someone I must talk to.”

“Yes, of course. And thank you again.” Imani got out of her way and watched as she stalked off to speak to another Mistress with a tower of white hair swaying above her head. Maybe all judges on Yonnie Six wore their hair three feet high, she thought.

But she was too excited to care much about judicial hairstyles at the moment. She turned to J’are and grabbed his hand.

“Did you hear that? You’re going to be free to go! All we have to do is show up in court one more time!”

“Thank the Goddess.” He nodded, a look of relief coming over his face. “We should go back to the hotel and celebrate,” he added, giving Imani a half-lidded look.

That look—a look of pure lust—reminded Imani that she’d agreed to let him taste her “just one more time.” A shiver of desire ran down her spine…but it was accompanied by a feeling of guilt. No matter how badly she wanted to let the big Nightwalker lap her pussy again, she knew she really shouldn’t do it.

“We can’t go yet,” she said, stalling for time. “We agreed to try and find some clues here, remember?”

“Right.” He nodded reluctantly. “Come on, then—the easiest way out of the ballroom is this way.”

