Unleashed by the Defender – Brides of the Kindred Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

Then, J’are was back to lapping her clit. At the same time, Imani felt two long, thick fingers find her entrance and slide deeply into her pussy. She moaned and bucked her hips up, loving the sensation of being filled while he tasted her. And as J’are began a slow, deep, fucking motion with his fingers, he continued to circle her throbbing clit with his tongue.

Imani felt her pleasure building as she writhed helplessly on the table. She was close, so close…

“J’are,” she whispered breathlessly. “Oh, J’are…”

And then the big Nightwalker sucked her clit into his mouth and rubbed hard with the flat of his tongue. The intimate kiss sent Imani flying over the edge and she heard herself moaning with pleasure as her inner muscles squeezed his invading fingers and she bucked her hips, riding his tongue to orgasm.


J’are never wanted it to end. She tasted so sweet and her cries of pleasure were music to his ears. He loved her warm, feminine fragrance and wanted to stay here with his face buried between her thighs forever.

But deep inside himself, he heard his feral side growling…

The tasting is done. Now for the bonding.

No! J’are pushed the thought away. He couldn’t bond her to him—she wasn’t really his.

But the feral part of him insisted on pushing images into his brain—images of him standing up and taking out his shaft and pressing it to the opening of her pussy. Thrusting long and hard and deep inside her until he filled her pussy with his seed and her belly with his baby.

She would be his then, his completely and she could never leave him or Claim another male. She—

“She doesn’t belong to you!” J’are growled, jerking his face and fingers away from Imani with sheer force of will.

“What?” she lifted her head and turned back to him, her dark eyes dilated with pleasure and worry. “What…who are you talking to, J’are?”

“Sorry…” He sighed and ran a hand over his hair. “Just…my feral side. I probably shouldn’t have done that—shouldn’t have tasted you. Because now it thinks…”

“Thinks what?” Imani twisted around and sat up on the table and looked at him anxiously.

“Never mind” J’are shook his head. “Everything is under control. It’s just…remember how I told you about the different parts of the Claiming period?”

“Oh, right. Yes.” She nodded.

“So the feral side of me thinks that we’ve done all of them—bathing, scenting, holding, and now tasting. So it thinks it’s time for…”

“For bonding,” Imani whispered. “J’are—”

“You don’t have to say a thing.” He held up his hands in a “Don’t shoot” gesture. “I know you’re my Defender and I’m your client and we can’t do that. As I said, I have it under control.”

“I believe you,” Imani said, though she still looked troubled. “I know we…I shouldn’t have let you, er, give me such an intimate massage. But…well, there’s no excuse I guess.” She shook her head.

“No excuse for me either. I just wanted so damn badly to taste your soft little pussy—to lap your honey right from the source,” J’are told her hoarsely.

“I wanted it too,” Imani admitted. “But maybe…maybe we ought to get going now.” She looked down at her watch. “The car will be here in a little while. Maybe we’d better get dressed.”

“That’s probably for the best.” J’are nodded and helped her off the table. “Thank you for letting me massage you, Mistress,” he said softly. “It was the greatest pleasure of my life.”

“Oh…” Imani put a hand to her heart. “You gave me great pleasure, too, J’are. I’m sorry things can’t be different between us.”

“It’s all right.” He shook his head. “I understand. I’ll try not to overstep the boundaries again.”

“I’ll try as well,” she promised. “For now, I guess we’d better get ready for court.”

J’are nodded and stepped back. But he couldn’t help licking his lips for the last traces of her honey. And when the feral side of him growled, Mine, he didn’t try to disagree. In a very real way, he had Claimed Imani, just as she had Claimed him.

The tasting had been deep and satisfying for both of them and no matter how much he tried to reason with his feral side, he couldn’t help thinking how badly he wanted to bond with Imani and make her his forever.


Imani walked into the courtroom on shaky legs. Though the massage had been meant to calm her and ease her tension, she couldn’t help feeling more tense than ever.

Shouldn’t have done that, whispered the little voice in her head. You know you shouldn’t have let him do that to you, Imani. How can you keep any professional distance between yourself and your client when you let him lap your pussy and make you come all over his face that way?

Imani didn’t know but she did her best to push the scolding little voice away as everyone rose for the entrance of the judge. Opposite her were Mistress Bittlebum and the green-haired Prosecutor, as well as another one of the morphids. The way the light caught on its shiny pink shell made her feel sick to her stomach.

