Unleashed by the Defender – Brides of the Kindred Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“Yes, but they don’t know that,” J’are pointed out. “I was in my feral state in court yesterday.” He shook his head grimly. “Someone must think I know something and they want to keep both of us quiet. My guess is we’ll need to be on our guard until we can get off Yonnie Six.”

“Well, right now I want to get out of this hallway.” Imani led him into the suite which wouldn’t be theirs for much longer and closed the door. There were too many people milling around—Mistresses and their bodyslaves poking their heads out to see if things were safe—for her liking.

She chose an outfit at random from her cube and was about to go into the bathroom to put it on when she caught sight of J’are’s back. The broad, muscular surface was streaked with blood and there were still several pieces of jagged metal sticking out.

“Oh, J’are!” she exclaimed, causing him to turn around with a surprised look.

“What is it? A problem?”

“Your back!” Imani felt terrible that she hadn’t noticed it before. He had gotten those wounds saving her—how could she forget?

“What about my back?” he frowned.

“What about it? You have pieces of shrapnel still stuck in you from the tray bomb!” Imani exclaimed. “Can’t you feel them?”

“Oh those…” He looked over his shoulder and shrugged dismissively. “Don’t worry about it—Nightwalkers are excellent healers.”

“Of course I worry about it!” Imani said. “Come on—let’s get you fixed up.”

She took his arm and tugged until he went with her into the bathroom where she had him sit on the edge of the huge marble tub. Digging through her carryall cube, she found a pair of tweezers.

“Don’t move,” she told J’are and began to extract the shrapnel as well as she could. “God, your poor back!”

“It’s nothing,” J’are said stoically. He didn’t even flinch as she pulled the twisted metal out of his flesh. “I’ve had worse in the hole.”

Imani heard the pain in his voice, even though it didn’t show on his face and her heart went out to him.

“I’m so sorry, J’are,” she murmured, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I wish I could have gotten here sooner to free you from that awful place!”

“You’re here now.” He turned his head and caught her eyes with his own. “That’s all that matters,” he rumbled. “You saved me, Imani.”

Imani found she was getting that breathless feeling again and her heart was pounding.

“You…you saved me too,” she pointed out. “If you hadn’t realized that breakfast tray was a bomb and thrown yourself on top of me…you risked your life to keep me safe.”

“A male must always protect his female, once she’s Claimed him,” he growled softly.

“J’are…” Imani didn’t know what to say. She wanted very much to go where this was leading but it wasn’t right—he was her client. Also, they were about to get kicked out of the Luxx and she wasn’t packed or dressed yet.

“Of course, I know you didn’t really Claim me,” J’are said, looking away. “It only feels that way.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Imani said softly. “But it really would be inappropriate for us to get into a, er, relationship of any kind. I mean, you’re my client so—”

“I understand.” J’are cleared his throat. “Are you almost finished? We don’t have much time to get out of here.”

“I’ve got all the metal out—just let me wash off your back,” Imani told him.

She was glad, in a way, that he was being understanding about the fact that they had to maintain a professional relationship. But another part of her wished the big Nightwalker would take her in his arms and, well, take her. She couldn’t help remembering the feral, forceful way he’d climbed on top of her the night before and rubbed his thick shaft against her pussy until she came so hard she saw stars.

Stop that! she scolded herself as she sluiced water down his broad back. There’s no point wishing for something you can’t have and you know it. You—

Her train of thought was cut off by what she saw. As the blood washed away from the big Kindred’s skin, the torn flesh began to knit together.

“Oh my God!” Imani whispered to herself as she watched the savage wounds healing themselves. “That’s amazing!”

“What is?” J’are twisted his head around, trying to look at his own back. “Am I growing a tail or something?”

“Of course not. But your wounds…they’re healing! Just healing themselves,” Imani breathed.

“Oh.” J’are shrugged. “That’s normal for my kind. Told you Nightwalkers have good healing abilities.”

“You certainly do!” Imani said. “I can hardly believe it!”

“How do you think I survived in the hole for so long?” His deep voice was harsh. “I was torn apart more times than I can count, but my body always healed.” He looked away. “Even when I didn’t want it to.”

