Unleashed by the Defender – Brides of the Kindred Read online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79603 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

“And you said the women have to come and find them to Claim them?” Imani asked.

J’are nodded again.

“One night a year, when all three moons converge, the young women who are ready to call mates go into the jungle and search for the male they want. They can tell him by his k’dra—his markings—which are unique.”

“So you’re born with those?” Imani nodded to the thick black markings. “I thought they were some kind of tattoo.”

J’are shook his head.

“No—every Nightwalker male is born with a different pattern. So every female has an easy time finding the male she wants to Claim. When she finds him, she calls him by name.”

Just like I called J’are, Imani thought and her heart started beating hard again as she remembered the way she had tamed the big Kindred and called him by name in the courtroom. No wonder he thought I was there to Claim him if that’s the way his people mate!

“So when she calls him, he comes with her?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes.” J’are nodded. “If she’s the right one for him, of course.” He gave Imani a direct look. “I must have thought you were the right one for me.”

“I…I may have had something to do with that,” Imani confessed. “You were so upset and I was trying to calm you down so I called you by your name. I thought it would help you calm down and come back to yourself.”

“It certainly calmed me down.” J’are sighed. “And I’m back in my right mind—my thinking mind—again, so that’s good.” He shook his head. “Please don’t apologize, Councilor Imani. You were doing your best to save my life and you succeeded.”

“For now, I did.” Imani bit her lip. “I’m afraid, though, that we have to appear in court again. We have to prove to the judge that you’re safe and sane and not a threat to society.”

To her relief, J’are didn’t seem upset or angry about going back to court.

“I can imagine how antisocial I was acting yesterday,” he said dryly. “I have memories of being surrounded by Horvath guards with pain prods. Not to mention seeing Mistress Bittlebum—who was Mother Hownow’s niece.”

“I understand she was the one who had your aunt’s will overturned and first put you in a pain collar,” Imani said quietly. “I’m sorry you had to see the woman who stole your inheritance and hurt you so badly.”

He shook his head.

“I was never going to inherit what Mother Hownow left me. As I said before, she was hoping that a kind and understanding Mistress would Claim me before she died. Then she could have inherited the property along with me. Her hope was that I would live as a mate to my new Mistress, not just a helpless bodyslave. But…” He shook his head. “That was never going to happen—not here on Yonnie Six. But Mother Hownow was an optimist and extremely eccentric.”

“It was nice of her to try, I guess,” Imani ventured. “It sounds like she loved you a lot—I can understand her wanting to make plans for your future.”

J’are barked a short, unhappy laugh.

“Well, I’m damn sure her plans didn’t include me being framed for murder and thrown in the hole to rot.” He looked at Imani. “If you hadn’t come along…”

“I came because the Kindred sent me,” she said quickly, feeling her heart begin to flutter again under his intense gaze. “And because one of your fellow Kindred warriors found that vid-clip and passed it on to me.”

“Who was it?” J’are asked. “I’d like to be able to thank him.”

Imani shook her head.

“I don’t know him—he’s just an undercover operative working here on Yonnie Six. I, uh, think he’s pretending to be a bodyslave.”

“Lucky bastard—he’s only pretending,” J’are growled. “I didn’t truly understand how bad it could be until after Mother Hownow died and I ended up with Mistress Bittlebum and then, after she sold me, Lady Zangelo.”

“You’re not a bodyslave anymore,” Imani told him fiercely. “I’m getting you out of here. All we have to do is make a good showing in court today and I’m certain Judge Thoughtgood will let you go.”

“You really think so?” J’are looked at her hopefully.

“I do.” Imani nodded firmly. “All we have to do is stay out of trouble until this afternoon and then impress the judge with your calm attitude.”

“I can do that.” J’are nodded. “As long as the court date is during the daylight hours. It gets…more difficult to control my feral side when it gets dark outside.”

“I understand,” Imani said. “And luckily, our court time is during the daylight. I promise you, J’are…” She leaned across the bed and put a hand on his knee. “I’m going to get you off this awful planet and take you home. And I won’t let anyone hurt you again—I swear it!”

