Unearthed Read Online Kora Knight (Dungeon Black Duology #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Dungeon Black Duology Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 141810 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 709(@200wpm)___ 567(@250wpm)___ 473(@300wpm)

He sat up straighter. “Yeah. Sure. Okay.”

Max palmed Sean’s knees and eased them apart. Just an inch or two, to how he’d had them originally. Sean’s fingers twitched atop his thighs. It looked like he was holding his breath. Max skimmed his hands up Sean’s arms to his shoulders, gripped them firmly and angled them back. Again, not much. Just to tighten up Sean’s posture.

Sean’s eyes slid to Max’s. Max’s fingers moved to Sean’s jaw. Sean’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. Oh yeah, he liked that. Liked Max’s touch. But Max figured that out a while ago; when Sean suddenly became incapable of tilting his head and needed Max’s hands to help him out. But Max noticed his touch also made Sean anxious. Visibly and deliciously so. Which in and of itself made it a reward for Max, too. It was intoxicating, the effect that he had on Sean. Not unlike the pleasure he got from his subs.

Max stroked his thumbs just below Sean’s ears. “I’ll be working here next,” he murmured roughly. “So you gotta stay put from now on.”

Sean gave a tiny nod. Max looked into his eyes—and caught the guy staring at his mouth. Jesus. Sean’s gaze. It looked darker than ever. Max licked his lips absently. Sean’s pupils dilated.

Ah fuck, that was sexy as shit.

Max’s cock stirred again. His heart rate quickened. If he didn’t reel it in, he might kiss the guy. Which wasn’t cool at all, because for all intents and purposes, Sean was his fucking employee. But more so than that, Max didn’t ever kiss. He’d banned that shit from his life a long time ago. At least he had outside of scenes. And even then it was a rare occurrence. Something he’d never missed it until now.

Max regarded Sean warily. Because, seriously, what the fuck. Why would he possibly want to kiss him? Fuck him, now that Max could understand. Sean was a tight little piece of ass. But kiss him? It made no sense. Max didn’t do romantic. Wouldn’t ever do it again.

Shoving the thoughts aside, Max eased Sean’s head to the side. “There.” He stepped back. Took another look. Softly growled. “Oh, yeah. Fucking perfect. Just… Goddamn beautiful.” And Sean really truly was. Impossibly so.

Sean smiled and closed his eyes. Made a quiet little moan. “Keep sweet talking me like that, Max, and swear to God, I’m gonna make your ass buy me fucking dinner.”


“Please, Dominus! Please!”

Max’s lips curved salaciously. Such a sweet fucking sound; restless desperation. And it was thick in his trembling sub’s voice. Max looked down at the red cock clutched loosely in his hand, drenched in oil to diminish the friction.

“Not yet, Tommy. Got five more minutes.”

The twenty-seven-year-old moaned, his hips shifting anxiously. Not that they could really move much. Max had them pinned, was straddling the things. Was literally sitting on the guy as he worked him. And his reeling sub was loving every minute of it.

Shlick… shlick… shlick…

Max stroked his dick slowly, edging him closer to mindlessness, every muscle kept in constant constriction. Making him vibrate. Making him jerk. Making him gasp for each graze. Max thumbed the ridge of Tommy’s rock-hard crown. Tommy twitched. Then rasped out a curse. He was teetering on the brink, just a hair’s breadth from orgasm. Exactly the way Max liked him.

“Uh—Fuck—Shit—” Tommy panted. “Uh—Shit—”

Max smirked, watching his thighs quake. Watching his feet tug at their restraints. Listening to all his tortured little noises. Yet make no mistake, this was precisely what Tommy wanted. What they’d agreed to ahead of time. What they’d discussed in much depth. Like a lot of subs, Tommy was a doer. Loved to earn his rewards. And Max had no problem making him work for it.

Right from the start, in fact. The very second they began. To earn the right to take off his clothes, Tommy first had to kneel down and kiss Max’s hands. To earn the right to be collared and leashed, he first had to lick Max’s boots. To be bound, he had to crawl on all fours around the room. To earn a butt plug, he had to give the thing head. Each session was the same because that’s what he craved. Each simple task and reward lighting him up. Of course, later on, as the evening progressed, those tasks got a little bit tougher. To be strapped on his back to Max’s large, upright semi-circle, head and legs angled down on both sides, he’d had to lay prostrate, face down on the floor, while Max dripped hot wax over his body. And now, to finally be allowed to come, he first had to resist doing so for ten minutes. Not to be mistaken for a mere ten minute handjob. The clock didn’t start till he was on the edge.

