Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

Was she blushing now, too? Erin pressed her palms to her heated cheeks.

Nothing like looking guilty.

Evelyn waved a batter-covered wooden spoon back and forth between the three of them. “What’s this about?”

Could this be déjà vu?

Dylan attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Why are you here, Mom? Where’s Dani?”

“In the shower. I told her to take her time.” She planted one hand on a hip and stared at her son. “Anyhoo, good morning to you, too. I came over hoping to have breakfast with my offspring. They’ve been so busy getting the resort up and running, plus smoothing out the rough spots, they’ve conveniently forgotten their mother lives right… in… town.”

Of course, Evelyn was exaggerating. Her children hadn’t abandoned her, but they hadn’t visited as much as she’d probably like since they had been a bit busy expanding the resort. However, during those visits, Erin was sure neither Dayne nor Dylan were discussing their sex lives.

Ford grabbed Erin’s elbow firmly. “How about we get out of your hair and let you enjoy your morning with your family.”

Erin mentally groaned. The smell of freshly brewed coffee was too tempting to simply walk away.

Evelyn shook her head. “Oh no. You two aren’t going anywhere until I hear all about this special project.”

The woman raised three children on a dairy farm. No doubt she could smell bullshit a mile away.

“It’s boring, Mom, you—” Dylan started.

“Special project?” Dayne snorted as he sauntered into the kitchen from his side of the house. “That’s not what they’re doing, Mom. Don’t let him fool you.”

Evelyn turned toward her youngest son. “Then, what are they doing?”

Dylan stumbled over his words as he rushed to say, “It’s not Dayne’s place to⁠—”

Dayne cut him off with, “They’re fucking,” as he approached their mother, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, then glanced over her shoulder to see what she was making.

Crazy enough, Evelyn did not appear shocked at Dayne’s answer. “Ford and Erin? Some of us already knew that.”

What? That was news.


“Dayne!” Dylan barked.

“No what? Finish what you were going to say, son, if you want to remain my favorite,” Evelyn cooed, patting Dayne’s cheek.

Next to them, Dylan groaned under his breath. Out loud, he said, “Mom…”

Dayne’s smirk spread into a full-blown grin, and he turned it toward Dylan. “All three of them.”

Evelyn’s eyebrows stitched together. “All three of them are what?”

“Fucking,” Dayne confirmed with a nod.

Dylan closed his eyes on a sigh and when he opened them, he glared at this twin.

Erin and Ford remained frozen in place, not sure how this was all going to shake out. She had no idea how Dylan’s mother would take the news. Would she be accepting or just the opposite?

At the same time, bare feet could be heard racing down the steps.

“No running in this house!” Evelyn yelled out. “You’ll tumble down the stairs and break your neck!”

Danica took the last step into the kitchen, fighting her own grin. “I’m in one piece, Mom.”

“By the grace of God!” Evelyn huffed. “Now…” She turned back to Dayne, opened her mouth, then closed it with a shake of her head before focusing on Dylan, Ford and Erin. “Where were we?”

Dylan purposely misunderstood and reminded his mother where she was. “In our kitchen.”

“Yes, that’s right. Making my children breakfast because apparently, it’s too much effort to keep me up to date with their lives, even though I’m only fifteen minutes or a phone call away.”

Dylan groaned over the mother’s guilt. This time he didn’t bother to muffle it.

“Is that bacon I smell, Mrs. Lyons?” Ford’s tone was sticky sweet.

Still wearing his shit-eating grin, Dayne reached behind his mother and held up a piece of crispy bacon to show Ford before shoving the whole strip in his mouth.

Evelyn whacked Dayne’s arm. “Don’t eat that. They’re for breakfast.” She turned back to Ford. “Call me Evelyn.” She pursed her lips as she studied the three of them. “So, you three are in a single relationship.”

She sounded far from shocked. In fact, she said it matter-of-factly.


“And how does that all work?”

Oh no. Erin’s stomach churned.

“Kind of like an outlet, Mom,” Dayne explained so helpfully, “where you can plug in two appliances at a time.”

Holy shit.

“Oh,” Evelyn breathed, then she nodded. “Makes sense.”

Makes sense?

Erin glanced over at a pale Dylan who looked like he was waiting for the floor to open up and swallow him. If that happened, she was grabbing Ford and they were escaping down that hole, too.

This conversation was not one she wanted to have this morning. Or any morning. While Dylan’s siblings knew about the threesome, no one thought to warn his mother, who used to live on this very ranch and, like she said, now only lived fifteen minutes away.

Truthfully, she was surprised rumors spread by the locals working at the resort weren’t floating around town. And if they were, that Evelyn hadn’t run smack dab into any. Especially since she got together with groups of ladies on a regular basis who loved to gossip.

