Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Huli’s heart was shattered to hear Xiao Dan’s words. He released his hand and cupped his cheeks, turning his head so that the vampire had to meet his eyes. “Since meeting you, my every waking moment has been about how to be as close to you as possible. How I can be worthy of you. If I could have been happy as a simple huli jing resting at your feet, I would never have left to cultivate. There is no one more interesting. No one is more kind or loving in all this world. I want to spend every day and night at your side. Nothing is going to separate us again. Even if I don’t have a single scrap of clothing, I will still be here with you.”
Xiao Dan huffed out a broken laugh. He blinked and two fat tears rolled down his cheeks. “You must think I am silly.”
“You are my silly vampire, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” He swooped in for a kiss that was a little salty from their tears of relief, but sweet from their shared laughter.
Huli pulled away and rested his forehead on Xiao Dan’s. “But will you still love me when you learn how silly your fox is?”
“How silly?”
Huli cleared his throat and sat on his heels so he could see Xiao Dan’s eyes. “I thought you bought those things for me because you didn’t want me wearing your clothes and using your shampoo. I thought…you didn’t love your Huli any longer.” He might have dropped his voice to a whisper for that last part, but Xiao Dan still heard him.
The vampire wrapped his arms around Huli and pulled him into his lap. “I will never stop loving you. If you wish to wear my clothes and use my soaps, I am fine with it. I love seeing you in my pajamas and smelling like me. I just thought you might like some things of your own.”
“We are both very silly,” Huli said as he soaked in the affection. There was no better place in all the world than being in Xiao Dan’s arms.
He had a point, though. It might be nice to be settled in a home and have some things that he didn’t have to conjure up using magic. His only real possession was the yupei, and he had it hidden behind stacks of protective magic, so no one could ever find it.
Plus, Xiao Dan had picked out and paid for all the things that he’d given to Huli. Even if they weren’t Xiao Dan’s clothes, Xiao Dan had chosen them for Huli.
“I think I have changed my mind. Can we keep all the pretty things that you’ve ordered for me?”
Xiao Dan threw his head back and laughed, his arms squeezing Huli so tightly. Huli took this answer to mean yes.
Chapter 15
Zhang Xiao Dan
1453 CE
Luoyang, near Zhang manor
Xiao Dan hung back to the deepest shadows of the plum orchard, one hand clutching his sword sheath while the other itched to wrap his fingers on the grip and pull it free. Instead, he rubbed the sweaty palm of his hand on his pants as he scanned the area. The moon was nothing more than a thin crescent, offering little light against the murky summer night.
He hesitated, straining to hear the approach of anyone, but there were just the usual nocturnal insects singing their songs.
What was he doing?
This was crazy.
For the past few months, he’d gotten this strange feeling that he was being watched and followed every time he had to make a trip into town. Not that he went all that often. And when he made most of his trips, he moved through the shadows and used bits of his glamour to change his appearance.
But no matter what he did or where he went, it felt as if there were always a set of eyes watching him.
And then tonight, he woke to a scrawled note in his room telling him to come to the orchard.
His first thought was that Huli had returned from his latest cultivation trip. He’d come back briefly about forty years ago to show off his sixth tail, but he’d made no mention of shifting into a human. Xiao Dan thought it best not to bring up the sore topic and enjoyed the brief time they had together.
Technically, Huli shouldn’t be in town so soon. Normally, a full century or more passed between their meetings.
Yet, who else would be so crazy as to sneak onto the Zhang clan estate and invade his chambers to leave a message? There were no other vampires in Luoyang. The last one who’d been so bold as to come into their territory left the same night and never returned. Not only had he been outnumbered, but the fool was barely past his first century and so full of himself. Xiang and Mei Lian had taken far too much pleasure in showing him the error of his ego.