Two Thousand Promises (Kings of Chaos #5) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Chaos Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

“Getting them outside appears to be a bust,” Philippe announced as he came to stand beside Xiao Dan. The vampire had lost his halo at some point and loosened his pristine white tie as if he were preparing to jump into the fray.

“Yes. Can you get the last spectators from the club and tell Rafe that I will reimburse him for all the damage caused to his business?”

He didn’t wait to hear Philippe’s answer. With his teeth clenched, Xiao Dan rushed forward, caught the leg of a fallen stool and flung it a meter in front of Min as she ran from Huli. The white fox was forced to stop sharply and try to move in a different direction. The pause lasted a fraction of a second, but it was enough time for Huli to pounce.

Orange and white tufts of fur flew into the air, accompanied by angry growls and barks. Both creatures had shed all their human facades as they bit and clawed wildly at each other.

Xiao Dan’s heart stuttered, and his mouth went dry. If anything happened to his Huli, he wasn’t sure how he’d survive it. He wanted to jump in and help, but how could he interject himself? If this were any of his clan mates, it would have been easy. He was familiar with all their moves regardless of what weapon they were using. But this was two wild animals fighting. One wrong step and he could injure Huli instead of Min.

Not to mention, he was short on weapons. It wasn’t like they could waltz into a nightclub carrying swords and bows. He’d hidden a few small knives on his person, but throwing them at Min was impossible as she continued to be wrapped up in Huli.

A low growl of frustration escaped him as he marched to another fallen stool and broke off a leg. Not perfect, but more than enough to crack a head if he had the chance.

Huli yelped and flew across the room to slam into the bar. Breath froze in Xiao Dan’s lungs. Did he go to Huli to check on him or pursue Min now that she was free?

“Get her!” Lola shouted as she darted to his fox.

Paralysis broken, Xiao Dan zoomed across the room, swinging his chunk of wood like a sword. Min darted here and there, always a heartbeat away from being struck. Blood matted and stained her white fur. Was she wounded, or was that Huli’s blood?

Later. He would think about that when he was sure Huli was safe from Min.

The white fox bounded away from him with a throaty laugh. Xiao Dan’s hand tightened on the wood until it trembled. He’d give her something to laugh at. He threw out his left hand, and a bright-white light washed through the nightclub, replacing it with a moonlit orchard filled with plum trees. The same orchard he’d passed countless nights sitting with Huli, listening to his wild tales and silly thoughts.

“You’ve given me a forest,” Min laughed. “That’s supposed to stop me? I’ve lived my life in forests all over the east.” He caught flashes of white as she moved between the trees.

“Yes, but not this one,” Xiao Dan muttered under his breath. No one knew these trees like Huli.

He followed the flashes closely, trying to herd her away from where he’d last seen his mate. Min ran and hit a hidden wall of the nightclub with an ugly thud. She stumbled back, shaking her head, and even stepped on one of her own tails.

Xiao Dan struck, clocking the fox with his club. A blur of orange zipped in to grab one of those white tails in his mouth. Min yelped and jerked, breaking free as a white bolt of magic energy shot from her other tails. Huli flew into Xiao Dan and they both sailed across the room, slamming into the far wall.

Around them, Xiao Dan’s illusion rippled and faded like rain washing chalk from a summer sidewalk.

“She’s escaping out the rear exit!” Philippe shouted.

Xiao Dan glimpsed the white fox hurrying away with more blood on her coat and a pronounced limp. “Follow but just to make sure she leaves the immediate area,” he directed as he turned his full attention to the fox lying in his lap. Huli’s only movements were his shallow pants and the frantic beating of his heart against Xiao Dan’s thigh. Blood matted his fur, and there was now a nick on his left ear.

“My love, can you hear me? Are you all right?”

“No,” Huli whined. “I hurt, Gege. I hurt everywhere.”

Xiao Dan shifted so he could press a kiss to the top of Huli’s head. “I know, my love. I’m going to take you home so you can heal properly.”

“Were you hurt?”

“No, Min didn’t hurt me, but I think I got a bruise on my bottom when I fell.”

