Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 65856 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Oh, well, there were also women accused of being huli jing with evil intentions. One had supposedly destroyed the Shang Dynasty while another had brought about the downfall of the Western Zhou Dynasty.
Not that he was sure he believed the stories of those women being huli jing.
Xiao Dan frowned at the bit of orange fluff trying to shove his entire head into his sleeve in his search for another bun. He didn’t act like a sneaky fox who was attempting to steal his soul. His heart was a different matter. This ball of fur was too adorable for words.
Carefully, he placed a hand under the fox’s stomach and scooped him up so he could extricate the creature from his sleeve. He wiggled and grunted until Xiao Dan put him on the ground again. Surprisingly, the fox didn’t run off. He twirled in a circle and flopped on his back, kicking all four of his black feet into the air. His mouth was wide open, revealing two rows of sharp teeth that seemed to be spread into a silent laugh.
“You’re a silly fox now that you’ve gotten some food in your belly, but I have nothing else for you. I wasn’t expecting to…”
The words died on his tongue as he lifted his head to stare at the distant horizon. He’d not come into the woods expecting to find a new friend. The sun had not risen yet, but the sky was markedly lighter now. More bright blues and rosy oranges. It wouldn’t be long now. In less than half an hour, the first rays of early-morning sunlight would break over the distant hills and gild the world. This was a slow and painful death, but in the end, there would be nothing of him left for his clan to deal with.
A sharp bark drew his attention, and he looked down to find the huli jing on his feet. He watched Xiao Dan with bright eyes and a smiling face, possibly demanding more food.
“I don’t have anything else to eat. You’ll need to hunt for something if your belly is still empty.”
The young fox spirit didn’t seem to care about what he was saying. Xiao Dan’s gentle manner was an invitation to climb on him. The huli jing scrambled onto Xiao Dan and attempted to wiggle into his lap all while sniffing at the sleeve that had held the bun.
With a sigh that was half-aggrieved and half-amused, Xiao Dan scooped up the fox and laid him on his back in one arm. The fox spirit didn’t squirm free but lay there with his feet kicked in the air. His eyes closed, and he tipped his chin higher as Xiao Dan scratched his chest and one cheek with a finger.
The fox turned his head and attempted to gnaw on Xiao Dan’s fingers, but the vampire quickly drew his hand away.
“Be careful now. Those are sharp little teeth, and I’m not sure vampire blood is good for you, even if you are a huli jing.”
The fox made another chirping noise that appeared to mean he was happy.
“Is that what you are? A huli jing?”
The creature flopped its fluffy tail across its stomach and bit at it a second before rubbing the top of its head against Xiao Dan’s chest. He was too cute for words. The more he stared at the fox spirit, the more his heart melted. Maybe he would be dangerous when he got older, but if he was raised with love and compassion, he could grow to be a benevolent huli jing rather than an evil one.
Xiao Dan glanced up at the distant horizon one more time and frowned. Was it really necessary for him to meet the dawn on this particular day? Wouldn’t it be better if he waited a while longer? The sweet huli jing in his arms would not grow up to be a benevolent, magical creature if he didn’t get another meal in him. He certainly seemed to need some help to survive.
But just a tiny bit of help. He was a wild spirit.
“How about you come with me? I think Jiejie has a few more baozi tucked away for later. Let’s get something to fill that empty belly of yours.”
A soft yip jumped from the fox’s throat, and he snuggled deeper into the crook of Xiao Dan’s arm as the vampire rose to his feet and carried him through the woods toward the Zhang manor.
Eternity could wait. This little fox spirit needed him.
1 Shifu – master of a clan or sect
2 Naihe Bridge – the bridge of forgetfulness
(In traditional Taoist culture, the dead will drink a special soup/tea brewed by Meng Po (goddess of forgetfulness) that will give them complete and permanent amnesia, wiping away all memories of their last life. The spirit will then cross Naihe Bridge and be reincarnated.)