Two for Alex – Mmf BDSM Menage Box Set Read online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123533 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 618(@200wpm)___ 494(@250wpm)___ 412(@300wpm)

The girl returned with the cock ring, a simple leather band with three snaps. They’d tried fancier, much more expensive rings but always went back to this one, which was easy to put on and remove and sexy as hell on Daniel’s gorgeous cock. She also had the snake, the single-tail whip that had marked her ass so nicely.

Daniel had positioned himself as ordered in front of the St. Andrew’s Cross. Liam secured the silver bracelets at his wrists to the hooks at the top of each side of the X. “Put on the ankle cuffs,” he ordered Alex, who had remained silent since he’d arrived home, he noticed. She handed him the cock ring and whip and knelt to obey.

Liam cupped Daniel’s balls in his hand, squeezing gently. “Whose cock is this?”

“Yours, Sir,” Daniel whispered.

“Did you forget that today?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir. I am.”

Liam could see the pain etched in Daniel’s face. He wasn’t simply mouthing the sexy words to a seductive ritual—he meant it. He was sorry. Liam was nearly overcome with the desire to release Daniel from the cross and take him to their bedroom—to hold him and kiss him and forget what he’d seen.

But he couldn’t forget. It wouldn’t be fair to Daniel to forget either. Daniel looked to him as his Master. If he failed to punish him now for such a flagrant infraction, it would harm his status in Daniel’s eyes, and in his own.

Setting the whip on the floor, he kept the ring in one hand while lightly gripping Daniel’s scrotal skin in the other. He pulled Daniel’s balls gently through the leather ring. Daniel’s penis, at first soft, began to stiffen in his fingers as he bent it down and pulled it through the ring. Liam held his cock, squeezing it as it rose and engorged, the blood trapped by the ring making the erection appear even larger than usual.

Liam looked at Alex standing uncertainly beside him, her eyes glued to Daniel’s sizable package. “You’re going to be punished too. Your punishment is not to watch. We’ll deal with you later. Right now you’re getting in the cage.” A plan sprung into his head as he said this. He went to the toy chest, rummaging a moment until he came up with what he was looking for.

“I don’t have a woman’s chastity belt, though if we keep you, it looks like I’m going to need to get one.” Instead he held up a small pair of latex shorts he’d acquired somewhere over the years. It was too small for Daniel, but would be perfect for the girl. “Put these on. And these.” He tossed a pair of leather wrist cuffs toward her, the clips dangling. She caught them.

Still she hadn’t uttered a word, which surprised him. He’d been expecting a barrage of protestations and pleas of innocence or misunderstanding. Instead, she pulled the shiny black shorts over her narrow hips and wrapped the cuffs around her wrists, closing the clips over the metal rings to hold them closed.

Liam appraised her. She looked sexy in the little black shorts, her breasts bare. He had an inspiration and returned to the chest. He came back to her with a pair of alligator-clip nipple clamps, the tips covered in matching shiny black. Alex’s eyes widened as he pulled her nipple taut and snapped the clamp down over it, compressing the tender bud in its teeth. He did the same to the second nipple. “Oh,” was all she said, but her face creased with pain. He knew she would adapt in a moment or two as the nerve endings were numbed from the compression.

As a final touch, he found a black sleep mask, which he slipped over her eyes. He clipped her cuffs behind her back and led her by the shoulders to the small cage. He pressed her shoulder and she knelt, crawling in and curling on her side before he’d even snapped the padlock into place.

He turned back to Daniel, almost forgetting the girl as he took in the sight of his handsome lover, arms and legs extended, his cock engorged and pointing toward the ceiling above its leather bind.

“Are you ready to suffer for me?” he whispered as he took up the snake, whipping the air with it to make his lover wince. Daniel nodded, closing his eyes.

“Ten strokes. You will count them for me.”

Liam was careful, aware the skin of his cock was far more delicate than Daniel’s ass. “One,” Daniel cried as the whip met its mark. The tip coiled around his cock, licking it with a fiery kiss Liam knew. “Two!” That stroke landed just below the first. Liam’s cock stiffened, clamoring for attention. He ignored it, intent on his task.

“Three! Four! Five!” Daniel was panting, his chest heaving, his face flushed. Liam wanted to kiss him, to stroke his cock with soothing fingers. Instead, he let the whip flick toward Daniel’s balls. Daniel screamed, “Six!” Liam delivered the last four strokes quickly.

