Twisted (Savage Alpha Shifters #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Witches Tags Authors: Series: Savage Alpha Shifters Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 218
Estimated words: 212458 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1062(@200wpm)___ 850(@250wpm)___ 708(@300wpm)

Roxanne is well-loved in the pack. She surely knows she has to hold her shit together to avoid problems here tonight. I don’t know the feelings she’s got from firsthand experience, never having felt anything deeper than fondness for a woman until now. But I’m sure it can’t be easy on those carrying a torch for someone who won’t ever be theirs. I’m not totally insensitive to this, but that’s not my concern right now. Amelia is.

Roxy’s eyes touch me again and I shoot her a smile, but it probably comes across as tight; I can’t help it.

Jase’s eyes are on me, and he smiles big, then his smile slips. Whether I’m giving off possessive energy or he’s suddenly picking up on the disconnect right now with Riley, I don’t know. I only know as I move across the room, erasing the space between my mate and me that I want to take her home, bury myself in her, and sleep for eighteen hours holding tight to her while I do. But I can’t sleep eighteen hours, because she’d undoubtedly try to leave.

It’s been a fucking day. I’m overtired, I’m concerned about Riley, so much so that I haven’t had a chance to absorb the fact that I get to tell Amelia there was no mistake, no unsanctioned spells over us. She’s mine. I’m hers. As it was intended.

At that thought, I take her in again and feel the tension in my neck and shoulders ebb a little.

Amelia’s eyes zero in on me and lust immediately flares in them. She smells incredible and as soon as she sets those blue eyes on me, she gives off an aroma of arousal. I immediately want to take her out of here and bury myself in her so my cock can be coated in that scent. Every alpha in this joint can also smell it. Yes, they’ll know it’s for me, but I want nobody to even catch a whiff of what’s mine.

“Hi!” she exclaims excitedly and throws her arms around me, “You’re here!”

She jumps up a little and I help her attach herself to me by hiking her up. Her legs immediately wind around my waist.

She’s shitfaced.

And beautiful.

“Hey there, shapeshifter sex god!” She caresses my face. “I won money. And took a shapeshifter’s dignity. Do you want me to kick your ass at darts now? Jason tells me you think you’re hot shit at darts, but I think I could wipe the floor with you.” She scrubs her nails along my jawline. “Stubble is so sexy. If only it were five o’clock all the time. Hey everybody!”

Many eyes turn her way.

“Babysitters are off duty; the shapeshifter sex god is back.”

Laughter fills the place.

She continues running her nails across my jawline.

“It’s not five o’clock, wildberry. It’s after nine.”

“Well, a nine o’clock shadow is even better than a five.”

I cup her ass and suckle my mark on her throat briefly. And the tension in my body all but disappears.

“Mason.” Her voice has gone husky.

There goes the rest of that tension. Fuck, that feels good. Stress leaving me as soon as she says my name like that. And I’m gonna get to have this for the rest of my life. I want her alone. Now.

“We need a celebratory drink. Roxy!” Jase calls out.

“Celebrating what?” Amelia asks.

Fucking Jase.

“You kicking my ass in darts, for one,” Jase says sheepishly.

“Put me down, Doggo. I have to go to the loo. And then yes, Jason, buy me a drink. Buy Mason one, too. A double!”

I set her down while I kiss her before I watch her sashay happily to the ladies’ room.

“Doggo,” Jase quips.

My drunk mate is sexy. And agreeable. And fuck, that ass is gorgeous. And mine.

“You cool, brother?” Jase asks, putting his beer to his lips.

“You’re here to sow your wild oats, why are you hanging out with my woman?” I ask.

Jase bristles.

Roxy is handing Grey a beer, then greeting me with, “Congrats, Mason.” She says it softly, not making eye contact.

“Thanks, Rox,” I reply, accepting the drink.

“Roxanne,” Grey greets.

“I kinda wanted to hate her when she walked in,” she adds. “But she’s great. She’s already fittin’ right in.” Her eyes dart to meet mine just quick before she hurries away.

Jase pipes up. “And I’m just about ready to sow someone.” He wrings his hands together, eyes sweeping the space. “It’s just a matter of who the lucky lady’ll be.”

“As long as you keep your eyes off my little sister, jackass.” Grey puts in as we all see a drunk-looking Bailey staring at Jase with longing from the corner.

Jase rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t do that to you brother. Feels like she’s my little sister, too. Only way it’d happen is if she’s The One. Guess we’ll find out who it is soon enough, though.” Jase gulps back more of his drink and gets a sour expression.

