Twilight Mask – Enemies to Marriage Mafia Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 85490 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 427(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

The waitress returns before I can speak. She refills drinks and clears a couple more plates, and when she’s gone, I light a cigar. Once it’s smoking, I stare through the haze at Dusan, who’s watching with some amusement. The arrogant bastard. I don’t even like him, and yet here I am, trying to build something that’ll benefit us all, and he can barely see it.

“When my Don was murdered, it felt like everything was over.” I make sure they’re all listening closely before I continue. “Luciano was the only man who could push back against the Biancos. He launched a daring and audacious attack on their precious little oasis, and it nearly finished them off, but he failed in the end, and they killed him for it. Now I’m all that’s left of his legacy, trying to hold his few loyal Capos and soldiers together, while the Biancos grow bigger and stronger every day.” I nod at them each in turn. “You have your own versions. You have your loss and your heartache, and you all want to be more. This is how we can do it. Together, as a group, we can rule Chicago and the whole of the Midwest. The Biancos are strong, but we can be stronger.”

I finish my speech and sit back. Ronan gives me a wink and a nod, and I know he’s already mostly on my side. Julien will come around too—and maybe Adam after that—but it’s Dusan I really need to convince. If the Serbians join, everyone else will definitely take it seriously, and we’ll have some real strength behind us.

Only I’m not sure Dusan really has any interest. He says the speech was good, and there’s a lot to think about, and then Ronan and Julien are back to giving each other shit, and the meal ends without any resolution. Adam leaves first, but only after thanking me for my hospitality in his understated and quiet way, and I walk out of the restaurant with Ronan while Julien and Dusan leave with their bodyguards.

“We all know you’re right,” Ronan says in the parking lot. “It’s just that, every time you bring up your old boss, it’s a reminder of what the fucking Biancos can do when someone makes trouble.”

I look away at the city, at the big buildings and the lights, and imagine they’re all beneath the Bianco shadow, and that shadow’s growing every day. It won’t stop unless we make it stop.

“Luciano was alone and he did serious damage. We won’t be alone.”

Ronan runs a hand through his dark coppery hair and heads over to his motorcycle. “I’ll work on Dusan. But I think it’s actually Adam you need to convince.”

My eyebrows raise. “Really? I figured he’d come around if we got the Serbians.”

“Nah, the Poles have their own way of doing things. Convince Adam.”

“What about Julien?”

“Fuck that French dickhead.”

“Seriously, Ronan.”

“He’ll join, don’t worry.” He grins and kicks his bike to life. The engine roars and sputters. “But I say we’re better off without the cowardly cocksucker.”

“You’re not very helpful,” I call after him as he backs out. He gives me a laugh and a middle finger, and his bike barks a loud grunt as he pulls away and disappears into the night.

I wait next to the front door for a while. I should be thinking more about what Ronan said and about how I’m going to make this alliance thing a reality, except my mind is very much elsewhere. It’s on the mask in the back seat of my BMW, the lacquered black-and-gold Jackal face, and what I’m going to do tonight.

I spent that meal denouncing the Bianco family, and I meant every word of it. They killed Luciano, my mentor, a man who was like a second father to me, and made my best friend an orphan. They treated him like a dog, all because of mistakes he made long in the past. I hate them, the vindictive bastards.

And yet all I want to do is go spend the night with one of their core members.

Laura’s not really part of the organization. I mean, she’s the original Don Bianco’s youngest daughter, and now the youngest sister of their current leader, but I’ve never really heard much about her in all the years I’ve been watching their family. Luciano once said she’s the oddest of the bunch, and that she’s not much of a threat, and maybe I can see why. She’s barely a Bianco at all.

Or maybe I’m just rationalizing a fucked-up decision.

If anyone in that room knew I was going to meet with her, they’d kill me.

Even Ronan, a man I’d consider a friend, and he wouldn’t even hesitate.

It’s the ultimate betrayal. And yet I can’t stop myself.

I’m the Jackal and she’s my little demon girl, and I want to play another game, even if it costs me everything.

