Toxic Game Read online Christine Feehan (GhostWalkers #15)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: GhostWalkers Series by Christine Feehan

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 140965 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 705(@200wpm)___ 564(@250wpm)___ 470(@300wpm)

“Are you certain she’s been infected?”

“Absolutely. I’m here with her, looking right at her.”

“You sound anxious.”

“Don’t play games. I know you paired us. That aside, anyone seeing the results of this virus would feel anxious. She’s valuable to the world and you know she is. Whether she’s under your command or a GhostWalker unit’s, she’s too valuable to die. Our children alone would make her of value, let alone all the training she has.”

Whitney heaved a heavy sigh. “There is no cure for the virus.”

“They were working on a vaccine, weren’t they? The Williams brothers and Orucov. You had them working on a specific vaccine.”

“There is no use in explaining that we need biological weapons to match what other countries are secretly developing. With those weapons, we need vaccines to ensure our soldiers are protected at all times. I don’t expect you to understand.”

“Why? I’m a soldier. I’m also a doctor. I’ve seen the effects of these viruses and the fear always is another pandemic.” Draden poured sincerity into his voice. “Of course, we need vaccines against the viruses. We need therapies to treat them. Studies have to be done. I’m not arguing the point. What I’m trying to do right this minute is to save Peony’s life.”

“You have to accept that is impossible.”

“If you accepted most things were impossible there wouldn’t be GhostWalkers. I don’t accept that we can’t save Peony, and neither does Trap. We’re focused on stopping this virus from eating her alive, but we don’t have much time. Trap can map out her entire genetic code, but you’ve already done that, and it saves us time.”

“I’ll send it to both of you, but I need reassurances that you’ll return Peony to me.”

“You know if I gave those to you, I’d be lying. I don’t want to play games with you. She’s worth saving and she’s just as valuable to our country staying with me, maybe even more so, than she is with you. You’re either going to help or you’re not.”

“I’m sending to Trap and to your personal email.”

If it was supposed to shock him that Whitney had his personal email, it didn’t. He ignored the subtle bragging.

“Do you have further data on Montgomery? Did you give Peony everything on your three scientists?”

“She has everything I have, but I can send those files to you in case she didn’t have a chance to turn them over. I don’t have much on Montgomery, other than he’s completely worthless and his family has spent far too much time bailing him out of every bit of trouble he’s ever gotten into. He paid his way through college, getting others to do his work for him. One professor was paid half a million dollars to give him top grades because he didn’t attend any of the classes.”

“We’ll find him,” Draden assured.

“You do this, Draden, and I’ll send you everything I have on you.”

“I told you already, you want to show that shit to anyone, do it. I won’t be blackmailed. You caught me in your net when I was young and stupid. It didn’t turn out so bad. I like what I do, and I’m good at it. I don’t give a damn if you want to hold it over my head for the rest of my life because I just plain don’t care if they come for me.”

“That’s easy enough to say because you haven’t had to face a trial.”

“I’ve always refused to be blackmailed by you. I always will refuse. If you want to turn whatever evidence you have of my insanity over to the cops or the military police, do it. I will never be blackmailed. I will never accept a sword hanging over my head. I won’t be owned by anyone, least of all you. And Whitney, I won’t allow Peony to be either.”

Draden’s eyes met Shylah’s. She had to know, sooner or later, that he was no saint and never would be. He loved her, but if she was going to stay with him, she had to know the worst of him. He wanted honesty between them. That was why he wanted her in the room when he spoke to Whitney.

There was a long silence. “I destroyed all the evidence against you the moment you became a GhostWalker, Draden,” Whitney admitted, grudging respect in his voice. “You’re too valuable to our country and you’ve contributed far too much to turn you over to shallow-thinking people who would condemn your actions.”

“I appreciate you thinking that.”

“I was particularly pleased with you returning to school and completing your education.” Whitney sounded like an uncle talking to a favorite nephew.

“It was important to help Trap and Wyatt,” Draden said, as though making a concession by admitting it to the man. “Now, with Peony having this virus, I need more than ever to help them find a way to help her.”

