This is Forever Read online Natasha Madison (This Is #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: This Is Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 106346 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 425(@250wpm)___ 354(@300wpm)

She doesn’t answer me, and when I finally shower and get out, Dylan is waiting for me in the kitchen. “I had a snack,” he says. I laugh and make a protein shake, then I make him a fruit smoothie.

We spend the afternoon playing the game, and at the end of three hours, he has schooled me in seven games. “Okay, buddy,” I say, turning it off. “Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” he asks, getting up and placing the remote next to mine.

“We are going to go pick up things for dinner and then get your mom some flowers,” I say. He holds my hand as we go downstairs, and I take out the BMW.

“What are we going to eat?” he asks, and I look at him in the back seat.

“Your mom said she likes Italian, so let’s get stuff to make spaghetti,” I say, and he nods eagerly.

We make it to the grocery store, and I’ve already googled a recipe, so we walk in and grab a cart. He walks next to me as I tell him what we need, and he picks up the items and puts them in the basket. He holds back at first, and when I tell him to go pick out dessert, I see him looking at the prices. “Whatcha doing?” I ask, standing next to him.

“That’s ten dollars,” he says, pointing at the fruit pie. “That’s a lot of money for a pie.”

I try not to grab all the pies and show him that he doesn’t have to worry about it. “It is,” I tell him, “but I’m lucky I have a really good job, and it’s not that much money for me.”

“Really?” he asks, almost shocked. “I want to do that job then.” He picks up the pie and puts it in the basket. By the time we leave, we have enough food for three weeks. I get him in the car and then look over at him. “Where are we going now?”

“To get flowers,” I say.

“For Mom?” he asks. “Because you like her?” I nod. “But it’s not her birthday.”

“That makes it even more special,” I say. “You always give them flowers just because.”

“But why?” he asks.

“So they know you are thinking about them,” I say. “So they know how special they are to you.”

“I want to buy Mom flowers,” he says. “Will you lend me the money?”

I want to laugh out loud. “You got it,” I say. When we enter the flower shop twenty minutes later, he walks straight to the woman. “I want some flowers for my mom,” he tells the lady, who smiles at him and looks at me. “Her favorite color is purple.”

“Is this for a special occasion?” the lady asks.

“No, it’s just to tell her that I love her,” he says, and I could swear I hear her swoon.

“Why, aren’t you the cutest?” she says and then looks at me. “You got yourself a special little boy there,” she says, and I suddenly beam with pride.

“He’s one of a kind,” I say, putting my hands on his shoulders and squeezing them.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“I’m so sorry I’m late,” I puff out, almost running into the reception area, my hands still shaking from when I walked into my apartment.

“It’s fine,” Tamara, the daytime receptionist, says. “You have ten rooms to get done by three,” she says, handing me a clipboard with the room numbers. “I marked off the rooms that have already checked out.”

“Thank you,” I say, trying to get my heart to settle, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

“I’ll keep you informed on the rooms as they check out,” she says, handing me the walkie-talkie. I take it and walk out of the reception area, and the phone rings in my purse. I pick it up and see that it’s Justin, and I know that if I hear his voice right now, I’m going to start crying, and there is no time for that. When I don’t answer, he calls again, and this time, I just send him a text.

Me: I’m fine. I got to work five minutes ago, and I’m late. I’ll explain later. Is everything okay?

I walk into the employee room and store my purse in my locker and change into the uniform. I slip on my running shoes when the phone beeps, and I look down.

Justin: Everything is fine. Just worried.

I tuck the phone into my pocket and walk up the outside stairs to the third floor. I walk down the pathway while the hot air sticks to me. A man opening one of the doors and pushing his luggage out smiles at me and then walks toward the stairs. I grab the cart and make my way to the closest room. After parking it right in front of the room, I look over the railing and take in the parking lot when a car backfires. I open the first room, and the cool air hits me right away. I put the wooden stopper under the door and go to turn off the A/C. I walk back to the cart and put on the rubber gloves and then go into the room and start stripping the bed.

