Then Hate Me Read Online Zoe Blake, Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Virgin Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87996 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Bitch,” Olivia muttered under her breath, sitting back as Anna left to make whatever preparations were needed for takeoff.

“That was rude. It isn’t her fault you are in so much trouble. Maybe if you weren’t such a spoiled brat, people wouldn’t treat you like a child.”

“Why am I here, Marksen?”

“I already told you. Because I deemed it so,” I explained, taking a sip of my drink. “Your brother fucked up. Then he kept fucking up, and my generosity only goes so far.”

“So, what now? Are you going to ransom me? Demand that he annul his marriage to Amelia, then as soon as she marries you, you let me go?”

“God, no.” I downed the rest of my drink and started in on hers. “There is no ransom he could pay in money or women to get you back. You are the payment.”

“What are you going to do with me?” she asked.

Tears filled her eyes, and I got a sick kind of pleasure from watching her squirm.

“Whatever I want. And don’t worry, princess, I have plenty planned for you. But hey, it’s okay. Reputation isn’t really important, so why would you care?” I taunted over the whine of the engines powering up as we taxied down the runway.

I was going to dismantle her reputation and leave it in shambles like her brother did to mine.

There wasn’t any real way to hit Luc himself, given his “whirlwind” romance with Amelia that had started with him stealing my fiancèe at the altar.

Everyone suddenly saw him as Prince Charming, which I guess made Amelia, Cinderella, which was laughable.

That bitch had never touched a mop, mouse, or pumpkin in her life.

Going after his reputation would be too difficult, and it would do minimal damage.

He wasn’t the head of his father’s company yet, and everyone knew his father was into some shady dealings with the mob.

Nothing I could do to him would accomplish anything more than cause him mild irritation.

I didn’t want him irritated.

I wanted him to suffer.

His sister Olivia, however, was very touchable.



Despite his daughters being born and bred to be housewives, the Manwarring patriarch didn’t keep a close eye on them. Instead of preparing to make an advantageous match and run a house for a powerful husband, Olivia had been off creating her own empire.

A cute little online magazine that my digging showed had quite the following. It was running in the black within the first quarter, partly due to low overhead and having name recognition to help secure advertising revenue. Still, the speed with which she had grown it, raising her profile as well as that of the company’s, was impressive. She was known to be a hardworking woman who did a lot of the day-to-day herself, preferring to have a skeleton staff that was well paid and motivated rather than an inflated crew that ate up the profits.

All of this was riding on her name, and she was still dumb enough to think that something like love was more important than reputation.

I wondered if she would still believe that when I was done with her.

“My brother will come after me.” Olivia pulled me from my thoughts.

“I’m counting on it.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, her brows scrunching down in confusion.

She really was quite beautiful, even more so now that she was a little disheveled.

“It’s not important.”

The plane was leveling off, and the captain came on over the speaker system to let us know it was safe to move around the cabin.

“How is that not important?”

“You’re right.” I threw back the rest of her drink and set the empty glass on the table across the aisle. “I misspoke. It’s not important right now. Right now, it’s more important that you know what your place is, and that you are punished for trying to run from me.”

“What?” The color drained from her face.

I unhooked my seat belt and leaned forward. “I believe I told you that if you ran from me, I would turn you over my knee and spank you like the spoiled little bitch you are.”

I put the armrests up, giving myself plenty of room to lay her across my lap.

“You can’t be serious.”

Her hands shook, her head swiveling in search of an escape.

There, of course, was none.

We were thirty thousand feet in the air. I had no idea where she thought she was going. What was she going to do? Jump out and use her skirt as a parachute? It would actually be pretty entertaining to watch her try to open the door.

“Don’t make this worse for yourself, little girl. If you are good and come sit on my lap, I might let you off with another warning. Why don’t you get over here and show me what a good girl you can be.”

“When my brother finds me, he is going to make you suffer,” she hissed out between clenched teeth. “What’s wrong, Marksen? Not man enough to face him yourself? You have to abduct me?”

