The Whole Package Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

“Where is the next stop?” Belinda asks as more people come into the conference room and take seats.

“It’s here, actually. I had planned to come back home for a few weeks and spend some time with Mom while I went to the store in town. But then she announced she was going on vacation, so I won’t get to see her.” I shrug and Belinda laughs.

“She seems to have retirement down.”

“That she does. But it will be good to be in one place for a bit. I’ve saved this location for last since it was the one my mom started at.”

“We’re all really proud that you’re continuing her legacy,” she says as the room begins to quiet down and everyone prepares for the meeting.

“Thank you, that means a lot.” She squeezes my arm before she goes over and stands in front of the podium.

Belinda is the CFO and is leading our meeting today. As she begins, the room falls silent and she introduces everyone. I give a small wave when she says my name, but otherwise I stand back and listen. She starts with showing everyone the projection of profits and spending for the previous quarter and the next.

As she speaks I notice the door in the rear of the room opens slightly and someone slips in. The room is crowded, but there are still some seats in the back. I can’t tell who has come in late, but I watch as she ducks her chin and her blonde hair covers her face. She sits down behind someone and I have to lean back to get a better view.

I should be listening to Belinda and paying attention in case someone asks me a question. But instead I’m curious about who this young woman is. I know everyone in the room if not by name then by their faces. I’m great with remembering people and things about them, and most of the time if I talk to them for a second their name will come to me. The people who attend the meetings are either directly affected by what’s being said or are located in this building and want to come mingle with other employees they don’t see very often. This newcomer in the back is someone I’ve never met before, which makes me think she must be an employee in the one store I haven’t been to.

The guy blocking my view of her moves in his chair and I’m having to lean back so far that my front chair legs lift off the ground.

“That would probably be better answered by our CEO. Shawn?”

Belinda’s words catch me completely off-guard and before I know what’s happening my chair tilts too far back for me to catch myself and I’m tumbling backwards into the air. There’s an audible gasp in the room when I hit the ground and I groan from embarrassment and not pain.

“Oh god, are you okay?” Belinda rushes over as I roll out of my chair and she helps me stand up.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I say and look around the room to everyone on their feet and staring at me. “Luckily just my pride is injured.”

A few people laugh, and I glance to the back of the room where the blonde is again being blocked by George in accounting.

“It’s okay, take your seats,” I say and walk over to where Belinda is standing. “Can I have the question again?” I smile, and the room relaxes.

I spend the next hour speaking with everyone and giving a general update about what’s coming for the next quarter and what to expect with the upcoming holidays.

“Kristen in Human Resources is going to send out our new benefit information at the end of the week, so if anyone has any questions regarding that, she’ll be here after we adjourn to answer specifics.” I look to Belinda, who says we’ve covered everything and we’re good to adjourn. “Thank you all for coming. And for allowing me to try out my new acrobatic performance.”

There’s laughter and murmurs of appreciation as the room stands and everyone gathers their things. People are talking and the space is filled with chatter as I try to look over everyone to spot the blonde in the back.

A few people stop me to say hello on my way to the back of the room. I pause and talk to them and answer any follow-up questions they have, while secretly looking for the mystery woman. By the time I’ve spoken with everyone and shaken their hands, the room is almost empty. I glance around and I’m disappointed when I don’t see her anywhere.

“Are you heading home for the day?” Belinda asks, and I look back to see her arms full of papers. “I’m going to do a little work before I meet Roger for dinner.”

