The Whole Package Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

“You okay, Hazel?” She’s cuddled tight against Bailey, but when she peeks up to see me she throws herself in my arms.

“You saved Sugar.” I hug her in my arms for a moment until she stops crying.

When I let her go she goes right back to Bailey, so I tell her to take her inside so she can be calm. I know all the people and lights outside her house have worked her up, along with almost losing one of her animals.

When they’re safe inside I talk to the farmer and make a call to get the money transferred to his account. I end up talking to him about his land and how many animals he has. We exchange phone numbers and I tell him I’ll be in touch. I thank the cop for coming out and wait for everyone to leave before I grab the pizza from the SUV. It’s not totally cold, so it should still be good for dinner.

Hazel is still pretty quiet even after we eat dinner and watch a movie. Bailey helps her get ready for bed and talks to her for a few moments when she gets under the covers.

“You okay, Hazel?” I hear Bailey ask as I stand out of sight in the hallway.

“Shawn saved Sugar,” she says, and I feel my heart swell.

“He did,” Bailey confirms.

“Shawn takes care of us.”

“He does.”

“Will Shawn ever leave like Mom?”

It’s the first time I’ve ever heard her talk about her mom, and though I want to walk in there and tell her I’m not going anywhere, she needs her sister to reassure her. She’s her safety net, and if it comes from her, then she’ll know it’s the truth. I just close my eyes and pray that Bailey knows this is for keeps.

“No, Shawn won’t ever leave like Mom did. He’s our knight in shining armor,” Bailey says, and the weight that was sitting on my chest lifts.

“Good. He orders the pizza I like.” I hear Bailey laugh as she turns off the light and comes out of the bedroom.

When Bailey turns around I’m right there waiting, and I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to her room. I close the door behind us as my lips connect to hers. I’m so overwhelmed with what I feel for her that I can’t hold back anymore.

“I love you,” I say as I hold her in my arms and look into her eyes.

“I love you, too,” she says softly. Her fingers trail against my stubble and she looks up at me with her soft brown eyes. “Did you hear me in there?” I nod, and she smiles. “You are, though, you know. You saved the two of us.”

“You both saved me, too,” I say, kissing her. “And you were right. I’ll never leave.” I carry her to the small bed and place her on it before I lie down on top of her. “If you want me to stop, all you have to do is say the word.”

She puts her hand behind my neck and presses her lips to mine.

Chapter 9


“I don’t want you to stop,” she says as her body moves under mine.

I can feel the heat of her pussy through her shorts, and I close my eyes to try to get myself under control.

“Can I kiss you?” I whisper in her ear as my hand covers her heat and I rub over the material. “Here?”

“Yes.” Her answer is shaky, but I slide down her body anxiously.

I kiss her hips as I pull off the sleep shorts along with her panties. She’s still got her shirt on, but I push it up to reveal her soft stomach. My hands rest there as she spreads her legs, and I kiss down to her short curls. The glow of the lamp shines across her skin and I’m suddenly nervous.

“I’ve never done this before,” I say as I kiss the tender place between her pussy and her thigh.

“Me either.” I watch her hands fidget in the blanket, and I smile.

“I have a feeling we’ll figure it out.” She laughs, and I feel some of the tension leave her body as I gently brush my lips against her. “I want this, Bailey. More than I’ve ever wanted anything. I promised myself that I’d wait until I was in love, and now that I am, I don’t want anything between us.” I run my nose against the top of her pussy and place a kiss there. “You know I’ll take care of you if anything happens.” I lick along the seam of her lips and taste her for the first time.

“Yes,” she hisses as she grabs the pillow beside her and clenches it in her fists.

I rub one hand along her lower belly and think about what it would be like to get her pregnant. I use my other hand to spread her lips before I lean forward and run my tongue along her pink folds. She hisses and then puts the pillow over her mouth to smother her moans. I lick back and forth across her hardening clit before I cover her with my mouth and suck. She nearly comes off the bed, and to my surprise she cums. I slide two fingers inside of her and feel her soaked pussy clenching around them. Her legs are tight, but she quickly relaxes against the bed and I do the same thing to try and get another one out of her.

