The Whole Package Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 157(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

“It has lots of buttons,” I hear Hazel say, and I smile.

“Thank you,” I manage to whisper, feeling all sort of emotions bubbling up.

“You drive and I can show you how all the buttons and stuff work. But I will need to take it for a few hours today. I have some meetings at Corporate today, but I’ll be back to pick you up before your shift is over.”

“You should bring pizza for dinner,” Hazel says, still sitting in the car.

“I think I can handle that if Bailey is okay with it.”

“Sounds perfect.”

I give him a kiss before climbing into the SUV. Hazel buckles up and asks a million questions about what each button does. Shawn answers every one for her with a smile on his face, not at all getting frustrated with her. It makes my heart warm. He’s really in this. All of it.

When we drop her off at school he gets out and opens the door for her and she makes him lean down so she can kiss him on the cheek.

“She really likes you,” I tell him, and he looks over at me.

“Hope she’s not the only one,” he teases.

“No, definitely not,” I admit, feeling my cheeks heat.

I’m way past like, which should be scaring the crap out of me right now. But I’m going to enjoy every moment of this with him and I’m not going to fight it. All of this feels so right. Even with how easily he’s slid into our lives. It’s all so perfect.

He pulls up to the store and I hop out of the car. He walks me to the back door and kisses me breathless before we walk in.

“I’ll be back before your shift is over,” he says against my mouth and kisses me again. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Okay,” I tell him, even though I won’t. I don’t want to bother him when he’s working.

“Promise,” he says more firmly, reading me all too easily. I pull him down for another kiss and dig my fingers into his hair.

“Promise,” I say when we pull away.

“See you later, babe.” He turns to leave as I open the door and go inside. A few seconds later Kyle is coming in the back door behind me and I know he saw us.

“I caught you sucking facing.” He gives me the stare down. “You better start spilling. I knew something was going on with the way he was watching you all day, but I didn't know it was sucking face level already.”

“I really like him,” I admit. “So does Hazel.” I can’t help but be excited because it makes it all so much more special.

“I might have done a little digging on him after I saw him eye-fucking you.” I smack Kyle’s arm. “Sorry, but the man was clearly living out all kinds of dirty fantasies with you in his head the other day.”

I bite my lip to keep from smiling. I love that he’s been eye-fucking me, but I don’t want to admit it out loud. I’m more prudish than I should be at my age. I've spent all my free time with Hazel and the rest of my time working, so I haven't even gotten to jump into this world of dating. It’s still all so new to me. It makes me feel sexy to think about him looking at me in that way. It’s so different than when Mason sets his eyes on me.

“Anyway, he’s good people. Does a ton for the community and works hard. Not even a slut. Couldn't find any details on him hooking it up with anyone. Especially anyone at the company. People say he doesn't even flirt. There were even a few rumors about him being a monk or that maybe he’s asexual.”

“He’s not,” pops right out of my mouth, and Kyle laughs.

Okay, we haven't done much, but I don’t think a monk kisses the way Shawn does. I’ve also felt exactly how excited he was when we’ve been pressed up against each other.

“Sounds like you have a lot more to tell me,” Kyle says, and I shrug.

“I’ll tell you over lunch,” I say, knowing Kyle is going to want to know as much as he can pry from me.

“Bailey, my office.” Kyle and I both turn to see Mason standing in the break room doorway. He turns to leave before I can even respond.

“Kim’s gone. I’m guessing it’s about the promotion. Her last day was yesterday. You missed the goodbye party.”

“I’m devastated,” I deadpan.

“The cake wasn't bad, but I’m glad the bitch is gone. Just when I didn't think she could get any bitchier, Mason sticks his dick in her and bang! She’s a mega bitch.” I shake my head, laughing because it’s true. I thought sex was supposed to mellow you out. Not that I would know.

