The Wallflower Wager Read online Tessa Dare

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

“And what about you?”

“I’m the one who invites them over for tea and kittens. And horrid sandwiches.” She nudged him in the ribs. “I don’t have any remarkable talents. I just try to make my friends feel at home.”

“That is a remarkable talent. A damned rare one, too.”

She laughed in self-deprecating fashion.

“No, truly. Ask any hotelier. People with welcoming dispositions are in short supply.”

“That’s good to know. A spinster never knows when she might need respectable employment.”

They lapsed into silence, staring into the vast, starry night. He’d stared into darkness many times in his life. Nothing ever made a man feel so alone.

He inched his hand to the side until his little finger brushed against hers. Just that feathery touch made his breath catch. They clasped hands, interlacing their fingers and holding tight. His heart was beating in his throat.

A rocket whistled into the air, exploding above them with a shock of sound and a burst of golden sparks.

“Make love to me,” she said quietly.

His thudding heart stopped.

She rolled onto her side, facing him. Her fingers went to the buttons of his shirt, and she slipped them loose. One by one by one. Her hand stole under the fabric, caressing his chest.

Her lips brushed his. The sweetness of her kiss made his whole body ache.

“No, no, no.” With heroic effort, he pulled away. “Your first time should be special.”

“Gabriel. We’re currently on a rooftop, lying atop a mountain of satin pillows, staring up at a sky bursting with fireworks. I should think this meets the ‘special’ requirement.”

A burst of shimmering red bloomed amid the stars, conspiring with her against him.

“Your first time should be with someone special,” he said.

“There’s absolutely nothing ordinary about you. Once again, you can cross that requirement off the list.”

“I meant your husband.”

She flopped back on the pillows and groaned. “You’re supposed to be dangerous and passionate. Not principled.”

“I’ve made a career of ruining fortunes, but I’ve never ruined a woman. I damned well won’t start with you.”

“I despise that word. Ruined. As if passion is an unforgivable transgression, and virginity is the only measure of a woman’s worth.” She looked at him. “Is that what you believe? That making love tonight would make me worthless tomorrow?”

“Of course not.”

“But it might make your property worthless tomorrow. Is that it?”

“No. I’m not thinking of that at all.”

In fact, he’d forgotten it completely. His financial interests weren’t the reason for their bargain anymore. At some point, he’d stopped caring about the damned house, and he’d—

He’d started caring about Penny instead.

“Nothing could make you less valuable tomorrow. But this might make you less marriageable tomorrow. If word got about.”

“After the masquerade, word may already be about.”

He cursed. “Don’t remind me.”

“What does it matter?” She propped herself on her elbow. “Perhaps I’ll never marry. Perhaps my brother will cut off my funds. I have a bit of money stashed away. I have friends. Why should I care about my dwindling marriage prospects? I’d rather seize control of my life, be free to do anything I wish.” She teased her fingertips through the hair on his chest. “And making love with you is the first item on my list.”

“Don’t tell me this nonsense about having no prospects. You could have all the prospects in the world, if you wished them. And something tells me you will wish them. Someday. In your heart, you must want to have a family. Children to love, to make feel at home. That talent shouldn’t go unused.” He touched her cheek. “Don’t foreclose the possibility. You deserve good things. Promises. Tenderness. Love. Everything you’ve ever dreamed.”

“Lately, all my dreams are of you.” She kissed her way down his neck, nuzzling against his skin.

Desire and conscience warred within him, and there was no doubt which side was losing the battle. He slid his hand around her rib cage, feeling for the closures of her frock. “There could be consequences,” he murmured against her ear. “I’d be a blackguard to ignore that.”

“I’m fully aware of the risks to my reputation. As well as the risks to my body and my heart.”

Good God, her heart?

Her heart.

“I want you, Gabriel.”

Such a simple phrase, and yet it summed up the yearning of a lifetime. All these years of anger and striving, and he’d longed for nothing more than this: to be wanted.

Desire kindled in his chest with a ferocity that stunned him. Scared him.

As he wrestled to conquer it, he caught a flicker of doubt in her eyes. It was the final blow. Honor waved a white flag of surrender. He would never let her feel a moment’s doubt. Not if he could help it.

“That is, of course . . .” She bit her lip. “If you want me.”

Chapter Sixteen

Penny waited in quiet agony for his response.

“If I want you,” he echoed. “If.”

