The Stalker – Steamy Shorts Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 16362 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 82(@200wpm)___ 65(@250wpm)___ 55(@300wpm)

I lift my shoulder. “I just tell them to go fuck themselves.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. Why?”

“Nothing. Just curious how someone like you deals with bullshit.”



“That’s him! That’s the guy who threatened me at the gala and the one who fucked her by the pool. I saw it with my own eyes!”

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. The guy might as well tattoo “LOSER” on his forehead.

It was supposed to be a chill Sunday at Katherine’s home. We already spent the entire morning watching movies on her couch, making out, and eating brunch—in that order.

When someone knocked on the door, we didn’t think much of it. After all, she said her parents rarely visited her apartment because they thought it was too shabby for someone with her surname.

But now, we’re faced with three furious people—her mother, father, and pathetic Patrick.

With his blonde hair slicked back and his preppy boy outfit—khaki shorts, a polo shirt with a beige sweater draped over his shoulders, and a pair of moccasins—he looks every bit like the spineless old money he is.

Katherine’s father, Bill, pushes himself to the front, glaring at me, and shooting a look at my girl that’s meant to make her feel embarrassed. “What are you doing, Kate? Aren’t you a bit old for this rebellious phase?”

“Dad, no. Patrick was⁠—”

Patrick, feeling extra brave and stupid, jabs a finger at Kate. “You lying bitch. You hated how I ignored you, so you seduced me. When I refused, you fucked this⁠—”

He doesn’t get to finish his sentence because I rear my arm back and punch him square in the jaw. It’s supposed to be a warning to watch his words, but I end up knocking the fucker out. Oh well. He’s weaker than I thought he was. Tough.

Bill grabs both sides of his head in shock and fury, baring his teeth at me and looking like he’s about one second away from a heart attack. “You idiot! Do you have any idea who he is?”

“He just called your daughter a bitch and accused her of seducing him when she never did anything of the sort. Now you’re actually defending him?”

A hollow laughter rings out from him, and he scrubs a hand across his jaw. “You believe Kate? Well, I believe Patrick. He has no reason to lie, and he has plenty of women vying for his attention. Kate trying to seduce him is more believable than him forcing himself on her.”

“And you call yourself her father.” Disbelief laces my voice, and I reach for Katherine, trying to steady her.

“Patrick is the guy for her, not you. You know what? When Patrick told us about you, we checked the CCTVs at the venue, and I found out you once worked for us as a security detail. Did you really think that if you married Kate, you’d manage to dip your filthy fingers into our wealth?”

This time, I burst out laughing. “What wealth, Mr. Astor? The millions of dollars you owe your investors? The millions of dollars you owe the bank? Isn’t that why you’re forcing her and Patrick together? So his father can save your ass?” I scoff. “You’re basically selling your own daughter.”

The color drains from his face. His mouth hangs open, and he presses a fist to his mouth.

I feel Katherine’s small hand on my arm, holding on to me. “Daddy, is that true?”

Bill takes a shaky breath and waves her off. “Stay out of this, Kate. You don’t know anything.”

Katherine’s fingers tighten on my arm. “You’re trying to arrange my marriage, and I still don’t get a say in anything? You’re dictating my future and I need to stay out of it?”

“It’s for your own good. You get to continue living the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. Let me handle it.”

“Is this why Patrick acted like he owned me? Like he could command me to do anything?” To illustrate her point, Katherine nudges her chin to the unconscious man lying between us.

“You’re getting on my nerves, Kate. Shut your mouth.”

“I am done keeping quiet!”

Katherine raising her voice spurs her mom into action. She steps toward Katherine, making sure to avoid stepping on Patrick. “You’ll disturb the neighbors, Kate. Why are you screaming like a banshee? Is this his influence on you? A few days with him and you’re acting like the people beneath you.”

“People beneath me? Oh, God. Mom, that’s your take on all this?”

Katherine’s mother, Linda, fluffs her hair and flicks an invisible speck from her designer dress. “I don’t know what the issue is. Your father and I decided what’s best for you.”

“You don’t know what’s best for me. You’ve ignored me for the past twenty-four years!”

Linda waves her off. “You’ve always been dramatic.”

“Mom, do you hear yourself? You told me how to act, how to speak, how to feel. As if that’s not enough, you decided what school I should attend, what course to take, which friends I should hang out with. You never asked me what I wanted. Not once!” Katherine chokes on a sob, and my arms go around her. She takes off her glasses to wipe her tears angrily.

