The Silent Highlander (Highland Intrigue Trilogy #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highland Intrigue Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 126
Estimated words: 116749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 584(@200wpm)___ 467(@250wpm)___ 389(@300wpm)

“My lady, you’ve come to help. Bless you!” Walda called out.

Elysia approached the bed. “I will do my best to help you, Walda.”

The old woman with the blackthorn stick shook it at Elysia. “The curse is a plague on our clan and will claim the little one before he can take a breath.”

Tears filled Walda’s sad eyes and strands of her dark hair clung to her sweat-drenched face.

Such fearful words and predictions did Walda little good. “The help I need will arrive soon. Edana, you may stay to help.” She turned to the woman with the blackthorn stick. “You may take your leave.”

“You are young and have borne no bairn. What do you know of births?” the old woman demanded.

“Willa, mind your tongue. You speak to Lady Elysia,” Edana cautioned.

“Lady or not, she has no experience having birthed no bairn herself and hopefully she never will,” Willa said with a stern eye at Elysia.

The door flung open and a large man, his thick muscled arm taut from gripping the latch so tight, hesitated for a moment, then hurried to the bed.

“Walda,” he said, going down on one knee beside the bed and taking his wife’s hand.

“All will be good, Stiles, Lady Elysia has come to help me,” Walda said with a hopeful glance at Elysia.

“She is too young and knows nothing about birthing bairns,” the old woman complained, shaking the blackthorn stick once again at Elysia.

“You will show Lady Elysia respect, Seanmhair,” Stiles admonished.

Willa shook the branch again. “She tells me I can’t stay and help at my great-grandchild’s birth.”

“You did not make Lady Elysia aware of who you are,” Walda said.

Stiles stood and shot his grandmother a stern look. “You will address Lady Elysia properly and do as she says.”

A pain gripped Walda that had her crying out and had her large husband turning pale.

“Time for all to leave,” Elysia ordered and looked to Willa. “You may stay if you wish, but you will put that blackthorn stick aside and not use it again.”

Willa wrinkled her face, ready to argue, but a threatening glare from her grandson forced her to hold her tongue and do as Elysia said.

All turned as the door opened and Lendra entered.

“The soon-to-be father is leaving,” Elysia said, turning a smile on him.

“I will be close by, mo ghràdh,” Stiles said and kissed his wife’s cheek. He looked to Elysia. “Walda and I are grateful for any help you can give us, my lady.” He then turned to his grandmother. “Watch your tongue with Lady Elysia, Seanmhair, or I will suffer Lord Odran’s wrath.”

Elysia didn’t understand why Stiles would suffer for his grandmother’s biting remarks but evidently the old woman understood since she paled and acquiesced with a nod.

Walda moaned in pain as soon as the door closed.

“Let’s get ready for this fine lad or lass to be born,” Elysia said with a smile.

“It’s been hours. She’s ready. Get her on her feet,” Willa ordered.

“She stays abed,” Elysia countermanded. “And if I see you go for that branch I will see you put from this room.”

Willa grumbled. “You do her no good.”

Elysia ignored the old woman. “Lendra and Edana, help Walda to sit up, and Walda raise your knees.”

“She needs to stand to deliver the bairn,” Willa argued.

Again Elysia ignored the woman as she adjusted the blanket over Walda’s bent knees.

The door opened and Glenis entered, her eyes going wide. “What are you doing? Why isn’t she standing so the bairn can slip out?”

“I told her, but she refuses to listen to me,” Willa complained. “I try to hold my tongue because my grandson is one of Lord Odran’s warriors and will be made to suffer for my remarks, but it is difficult when I see what his wife does to poor Walda.”

“It is good some of the women came to me for help. Move aside,” Glenis ordered. “I will see to Walda.”

Walda grabbed her stomach and let out a scream.

“Move out of the way,” Glenis demanded. “She must get on her feet for the bairn to drop.”

Elysia wanted to cover her ears against all the noise. She hated voices raised in shouts and anger, but it was the sound of Walda’s suffering that broke through it all and had her shout herself.

“GET OUT! THE BOTH OF YOU! NOW!” Her arm shot up and she pointed to the door.

Glenis and Willa stared at her, their mouths hanging open in shock.

The door flew open and everyone jumped, including Elysia.

Odran barely fit in the open doorway. Anger glared in his green eyes and his jaw was set tight. “DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT MY WIFE’S ORDER OR YOU BOTH WILL REGRET IT!” He stepped aside, his heated glare letting both women know they had better hurry.

Glenis lowered her head as she rushed past him. “Forgive me, my lord.”

