The Silent Highlander (Highland Intrigue Trilogy #1) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highland Intrigue Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 126
Estimated words: 116749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 584(@200wpm)___ 467(@250wpm)___ 389(@300wpm)

Elysia thought differently when she descended the stairs less than an hour later, hearing his voice raised in anger.

“Tell me how—HOW prisoners escaped your watch,” Odran demanded of two of his warriors standing in front of him at the dais.

One of the two warriors went to explain when a voice shouted out.

“That was his fault.” Bram and Tavish pointed to each other at a table they sat at in the Great Hall. Both men stood and approached the dais, tankards of ale in their hands.

Bram explained with a grin. “We volunteered to help the prisoners—”

Tavish cut in with a laugh. “And drank a bit too much ale—”

Bram interrupted, his grin growing. “And fell asleep.”

Elysia had watched from the shadows and while Tavish found it amusing, none of Odran’s men did, nor did Odran.

Odran glanced at his two warriors. “I gave no order for this.”

“We’re all one clan now, what difference does it make?’ Tavish said with a shrug. “We just wanted to help out, be part of your warriors.”

“You want to be part of my elite warriors?” Odran asked, rising out of his chair.

“Clan warriors,” Bram corrected.

Tavish didn’t agree. “No, your special warriors. We’re just as good as they are, maybe better.”

“Finch take these two men and start them on a day of training and let’s see how they do,” Odran ordered.

“We’ll show you we’re good or better, right Bram?” Tavish said and Bram gave a hesitant nod.

Elysia jumped when a hand grabbed her arm.

“Please stop the fool,” Lendra begged in a whisper. “He came to me this morning, pleading for the brew you gave him to help ease his aches and pain. He’s not well. The battle took its toll on him but he’s too proud to admit otherwise.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Elysia said and stepped out of the shadows. “My lord, a word with you a moment, please.”

Odran was pleased to see his wife, but not pleased to hear her address him so formally and not pleased that her garments, while freshly cleaned, were torn in several places.

Elysia was glad Finch stepped aside when she approached the dais and when she reached her husband, she stepped to his side, forcing him to turn to her. She kept her voice to a whisper. “Bram needs rest. He stills heals from his wound and yesterday’s battle had to have taken a toll on him. If he tries to lift his sword again today, it might be the last time he ever does.”


“He suffered no wounds from what I saw yesterday,” she informed him.

He nodded. “Sit and eat.” When he saw she was about to reject his offer, he said, “That wasn’t a suggestion, wife.” He turned and pulled out a chair from the table for her.

His commanding tone sent a tingle of fright through her and she sat without protest.

Odran remained standing as he confronted both men. “Tavish, you will go with Finch. Bram, you will not lift a sword until I give you permission to do so.”

Bram took a hasty step forward and pointed a finger at Elysia. “She did this, didn’t she? She told you I wasn’t fit to fight.”

Odran’s fist came down like thunder on the table. “SHE is my wife, LADY ELYSIA, and you will address her properly or suffer for it.”

“My apologies, my lord, please forgive my foolish tongue,” Bram apologized, realizing his mistake and bowing his head. “I meant no disrespect to Lady Elysia.”

“Get out of my sight and don’t dare let anyone catch you with a sword in your hand,” Odran ordered, then looked to his two warriors. “You know the punishment for not adhering to orders, see it done.” He sat and looked to his wife. “Eat.”

Elysia had lost her appetite at seeing her husband strike the table with such force. She swore she had heard the table creak or crack. She could not imagine what such a powerful force could do to a person.

Frightened to disobey him, she took a piece of bread and nibbled at it, though her roiling stomach warned her against it. She saw that he had eaten already and she hoped that he would not remain with her. She simply could not force any food into her churning stomach.

“You got thin. Have you been ill?” Odran asked, worried over her.

She shook her head. “No. No, it’s not that. I’ve had no time with all the wounded brought here. Lendra makes sure I have plenty of food, but I’ve been mostly too tired or too busy to eat.”

“That no longer is a problem for you,” Odran said, expecting no difficulty in seeing it done, and as soon as Brit rushed into the Great Hall, he realized that it might be more difficult than he thought, at least while they remained here.

“I’m sorry to disturb, my lord,” Brit said with a bob of her head that turned quickly to Elysia. “Lenis is not well.”

