The Rumble and the Glory (Sacred Trinity #1) Read Online J.A. Huss

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sacred Trinity Series by J.A. Huss

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 122097 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 610(@200wpm)___ 488(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

I’ve been to dozens of different countries over the past decade, but I swear on my life, there is no place like the Trinity anywhere else on this earth.

And I gotta admit… I’ve kinda missed it.

The day goes by spectacularly quick, in my opinion. Probably because every female inside the Disciple city limits—and even a few who live on the other side of that line—feels the need to come by my tent and ask me questions about Collin Creed.

Interesting questions, to say the least.

Taylor Hill comes by first. “Well. Are the two of you gettin’ cozy again?” She asks this without preamble or explanation, but of course, she’s talking about Collin and I.

“We are, Taylor. We’re gettin’ along just fine.” She’s about five years younger than me, so we never did run together or anything. But she was a helper in our souvenir tent once when she was in high school. Pretty much everyone in town has been a helper here over the years.

Well, her question was one of the more discreet ones. Rosie comes by and, unlike Taylor, she has no boundaries. “Did ya sleep with him yet, Low? Please tell me you did. Don’t make that man pine for you.” She holds up her hands like she’s praying to God about my sex life. When I just smile in response, she loses her cool. “Oh, my God. What’s he like? It was good, right?”

I don’t tell her anything. Luckily some people wander into the tent and save me. One day, though, I probably will. Since Clover moved away to her super-fancy-fancy hotel job I don’t really have a best friend. It’s been years now. And I like Rosie above and beyond as an employee.

Then there are the almost-strangers who live outside city limits. “Does he have a brother?”

“A best friend?”

“A cousin?”

Anyone in town would know these answers already—no, yes, and yes—even if he has been gone twelve years. There is no brother. Amon is most definitely the best friend. And his cousin is Lucas, one of the more colorful MC members from Revenant.

I heard the rumble of bikes roaring into town earlier. And I knew they were at the north gate because it was in the script, but I bet Collin never read the script so he was probably surprised when Lucas showed up making a scene.

I wonder if Collin even recognized him.

Anyway. That was my day. Females for hours on end, asking about Collin Creed.

He has that effect on people. Amon is certainly the charmer of the two, but Collin has this mystery around him. He’s quieter than Amon, does not wear anything on his sleeve, and those eyes of his are penetrating when you’re his target.

I bite my lip and sigh just thinking about that gaze of his.

And last night was pretty nice.

Tonight, though… I let out a long breath.

Then the bells start tolling and snap me out of it.

“Six o’clock already?” I check my little time-period-appropriate gold watch, and sure enough, it’s quittin’ time.

There are a few people lingering and it takes about twenty more minutes to wrap things up in the tent, but once I’m done I go outside and close the door behind me, standing on my little porch—which is six steps high and gives me a nice view of the Revival grounds. I look north, but can’t quite see the gate from here.

Collin will have to stay at his post until the grounds have been cleared, so I start heading that way with the lollygagging crowd. I catch little fragments of conversation as we all head towards the exit. Mostly people are talking about the bikers. But a few of them are talking about Collin.

Most of the time people come for the weekend. There are shows on Saturday and Sunday most weekends. But Revenant has the nightlife and Bishop usually has the early mornings and late afternoons. They do all kinds of chore things in the mornings and afternoons over in Bishop, which some people are into, I guess. They draw the crowds for… horse pullin’ or something.

Typically, the Revival happens from eleven to noon.

But nothing was all that normal about today.

Of course, once I read the script it all made sense. But they must’ve had teenagers and twentysomethings out last night spreading the word about the extra Revival meeting this a.m. because there was quite a crowd and opening day is always on Sunday. Not Saturday.

Until this year.

Not until Collin Creed came home. Who is shooing people out the gate as I approach. He winks at me, waving people through. And I watch him do this like he’s catching a football or something.

He’s got his dog with him. But she just sits right at his left knee. Tongue falling out, eyes bright, happy, I guess. Content to watch.

I lean against a post near the gate. It takes ten more minutes for the all-clear to sound, but I don’t mind. Collin is smiling at people. Talking to them. Like he forgot he’s the bad guy and everyone’s supposed to hate him.

