The Romantic (The Vers Podcast #2) Read Online Riley Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Vers Podcast Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87015 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

Oh God. I wanted to use Elliott’s ridiculous logic as an excuse to date him. I was screwed.

* * *

“Dear Vers, I don’t have a personal question for you today. I’m just curious how married life is treating Parker. I’ve been listening to you guys since your very first podcast. Parker and I have a lot in common, and when I was struggling to figure out how to move forward with a guy I was interested in, I messaged and got advice. We’ve been together for almost two years now, and while we’re not married like Parker, I’m so happy for him to have met his person too. Sincerely, Benjamin.” Corbin looked up at me. “Aww, that’s so sweet! We’re so happy for you, Benjamin. And yes, how is married life, Park? We’re all dying to talk about your super sexy husband.”

Have you ever loved people and thought they were assholes at the same time? That’s how I’d been feeling about my friends since this whole marriage thing started. They were either busting my balls about Elliott or fawning over me like they were afraid I was going to get hurt, which I wasn’t. Getting hurt would require feelings for my husband, something I refused to allow to happen. Nope. I wasn’t at risk for that at all.

“Married life is great. I have someone to pick up my dirty clothes for me.” The guys laughed, but I continued, “No, really, though…it’s amazing, fun, and Elliott is…great…” Wow, how many more adjectives could I pull out of my ass? None of that sounded real at all, so instead of focusing on the marriage and Elliott, I went with his family. “We had dinner at his folks’ house yesterday. Elliott taught me how to make fried plantains, which are delicious; all the food was, really. His mom is Cuban. She had me, Elliott, and his dad in the kitchen, helping to make a traditional Cuban meal. Oh my God, it was so good. Afterward, we were all dancing together in the living room. Elliott’s been dancing since he was young. I’m not gonna say I was bad compared to them, but I’m not gonna say I was good either. And then…”

I looked up to see my friends watching me with a familiar spark of worry in their eyes. Did they think I couldn’t take care of myself? Yes, I had bad luck with men, but that didn’t mean I was an idiot.

“Anyway, it was a great day.” I was back to the adjectives again.

“Why didn’t we get invited to Mama and Daddy Weaver’s house for Cuban food?” Corbin asked.

“Agreed,” Marcus added.

“What? Why do you agree? You hate people you don’t know and would have only gone for me,” I countered.

“Because we’re us, and who the hell are we if we’re not giving each other shit?” Marcus stared at me, and damned if he didn’t have a point.

“I liked it better when we focused on Dec’s love life.”

“Not gonna lie and pretend I’m not enjoying that the attention is off me.” Declan’s statement was both true and not. He supported the continue-the-marriage idea, but less than Marcus and Corbin because of his worry about me; at the same time, he also hated talking about himself, so it worked. I was still trying to figure out how to tell them about last night…maybe not about the praising and the frottage, but at least about Elliott’s stupid proposal. I hadn’t figured out what I was going to do about it. Or if I already had and wanted them to talk me out of it.

“My best friend sucks,” I joked.

“Pretty well,” Corbin said, “if the way I heard Sebastian calling out his name when I showed up unannounced at their house the other day is any indication.” Corbin waggled his eyebrows.

“You leave me and my boyfriend out of this.”

“Aww”—I squeezed his hand—“I still can’t get over hearing you say things like that.” Declan had been all alone in the world before he let me into his life. Then Corbin and Marcus had joined our little group, and Declan hadn’t ever wanted to expand his circle until Sebastian. That was the thing about love—it had the ability to change you, to complete you. How fucking beautiful was that?

“Let’s take another question.” Marcus steered us back on track like he was so good at doing.

“Uh-oh, here we go again,” Corbin said. “Dear Vers, are Corbin and Marcus in love with each other?” he read. It wasn’t the first time they’d gotten that and it likely wouldn’t be the last either. Before Sebastian, people would ask about Dec and I too. “You want to take this or should I?” Corbin continued.

“Either way. We’re friends, end of discussion. I might kinda like you in the he’s my brother way but other than that, I’m good.” Marcus winked.

