The Risk of Falling (Falling in Love #1) Read Online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Dark, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Falling in Love Series by Nikki Ash

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 84203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 421(@200wpm)___ 337(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

Micah’s eyes shine with hope, and my heart swells in response. “I’ve fallen in love with you,” I tell him. “It wasn’t supposed to happen, it wasn’t part of the plan, but I did anyway. And as much as I hate that our marriage was forced upon us, I don’t regret becoming your wife. I love you, Micah, and I want to be with you…in every way.”

Micah’s quiet for several seconds, and I worry I’ve made a mistake, that maybe he changed his mind or that his feelings have changed. It doesn’t make sense since he literally told me tonight he loves me, but your brain doesn’t always think clearly when it’s in freak-out mode.

But then the most beautiful smile spreads across his face, and he flashes me that sexy dimple. The warmth I feel wraps around my frosty heart, heating it up.

“It happened sooner than I thought,” he says.

“What?” I choke out.

“I thought it would take at least two, maybe three months for you to get on the same page as me, but it only took…” His eyes rise to the ceiling before returning his gaze to me. “Six weeks. It took six weeks for you to fall in love with me.”

“What?” I gasp, mentally doing the math. “That’s it?” I shake my head. “No, that can’t be right. It’s too soon.” Nobody falls in love that quickly. That’s the shit my mom does, not me.

“Hey, stop,” he commands. “There’s no timeline on falling in love. And you are not your mother.” Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

“I don’t need to hear your thoughts to know what you’re thinking,” he says, creepily responding to another thought I didn’t say out loud. “Maybe we didn’t do shit in the socially acceptable order, but there’s nothing wrong with how we’re doing it.”

I take a deep breath, knowing he’s right. This isn’t like my mom or her situation. What Micah and I are building is real. In the middle of the darkness, I met a caring, selfless, amazing man who shined his light on me, refusing to let me stumble alone in the dark any longer. He’s everything that is right in this world, and I won’t allow my mom to ruin what I feel for him. She’s taken enough from me, and I won’t let her take him too.

“You’re right,” I say, palming the side of his face. “It doesn’t matter how long it’s taken. I know what my heart feels. I love you, and I want to consummate our marriage, but more than that, I want you to make me yours.”



“Are you sure?” he asks. “I need you to be completely certain because there’s no going back. Once I’m inside you, I’m never going to want to leave. A lot of things can be undone, but not this.”

A giggle at his words escapes past my lips, and he frowns, probably thinking I’ve lost my mind. “Sorry, but I was picturing you burrowing inside me like an animal hibernating in the winter.”

His lips quirk into a boyish grin. “Hellcat, I’ve tasted that sweet pussy, and I wouldn’t mind burrowing in it all winter.”

I bark out a laugh as his grin widens. “I was being serious, and you spoiled it!” I pout. “Now the moment is ruined.” His smile drops, and I laugh again.

“I can fix the mood,” he says, standing and giving me a kiss. “You get undressed and put this on.” He walks over to the robe that’s hanging on the back of the door and hands it to me. “Give me a few minutes.” He kisses me again and then disappears into the bathroom.

Just as I’m securing the knot on the belt of my robe, Micah opens the door wearing a matching robe and gestures for me to join him.

The bathroom lights are dimmed, and a couple of candles have been lit. The large Jacuzzi tub has been filled with water and bubbles, and soft music is playing in the background.

“I was thinking we could take a bath together.”

“You want to take a bath?” I repeat like a dumbass.

“Yeah. I love taking baths.” He shrugs. “They always relax me.”

“You want to take a bath instead of having sex?” I ask, since I’ve apparently lost my filter.

Micah chuckles. “Of course I want to have sex,” he says, grabbing the knot of my robe and tugging me toward him. “But it should happen naturally. I would like to take a bath with you, relax and talk. And if it happens afterward, great. If not, then it will happen eventually.”

And just like that, I fall for my husband even harder. Only now, I’m not as scared to fall because I know he’ll be there to catch me when I do.

“Okay, then a bath sounds good,” I say, unknotting my belt and shrugging out of my robe. I don’t miss the way his eyes heat with molten desire as I walk over to the tub with a little extra sway to my hips. He might want to play the gentleman and not jump my bones the second I tell him I’m ready, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a lady. I’ve experienced the way he works his tongue and fingers, and I’m ready to find out if he works his cock just as expertly.

