The Rancher’s Vengeful Heart – Billionaires of Evergreen Texas Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)

Tassy had no chance of replying, with Lucius suddenly sucking on her fingers.


Her stomach tightened with desire even as she fought to yank her hand out of his hold. But just as she was able to free herself, she realized too late it was only because he had something more nefarious in mind.


Tassy forgot what she had to say as he started kissing her hungrily, and her whole body shuddered when he started palming and squeezing her breasts, harder and harder until—-


Lucius' kiss came to an abrupt end when he suddenly sprung back, and all she could do was blink. Why had they—-

The sound of footsteps outside the room brought Tassy back to her senses, and she could only gasp in outrage when she saw his lips curve into a smirk.


Did he kiss her just to throw her off her game?

Lucius barely managed not to wince as Tassina kicked her under the table just as their first suspect entered the room.

"My name is Sir Forsythe," the elderly knight huffed as he took his seat. "It is beneath me to be investigated in this manner. I own properties all over England. Why would I bother stealing so paltry a thing?"

A thin pale gentleman was next to speak, and he nervously wiped his spectacles clean as he gave his alibi. "Good day, Detective. My name is Walt Cranberry. I'm but a lowly writer who was overjoyed when Lord Cabbage invited me to their home. I've always wanted to see their collection of books in their library, which many describe as one of the best in London. The whole time I was in the library, I was so focused on the books—-Monet, Shakespeare, and I believe there was a book about the Fall of the Roman Empire on the right. I even remember they were arranged in that manner, from left to right. Books were the only reason why I was there. I didn't even know someone else was inside."

The last suspect was a woman in her late twenties, and she introduced herself as Mrs. Cowper. "I know what everyone's saying about me," the woman sniffed. "I may be one of Lady Pumpkin's poor relations, and yes, we do have our differences from time to time, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. It doesn't mean I'd steal from her."

The three suspects filed out after giving their statements, and the billionaire raised a brow at Tassy. "Thoughts?"

Tassy gnawed on her lip as she reached for the dossier they were handed earlier. "The first one sounded very defensive." She flipped to the page about Sir Forsythe's background. "It's true that he has a lot of properties, but all of them have been mortgaged to the hilt."

"And the second one?"

Tassy flipped to the next page. "He's exactly as he says he is. An impoverished writer who could certainly benefit from stealing Lady Pumpkin's necklace. And as for Mrs. Cowper..." Tassy flipped to the last section of the dossier. "It says here she has a gambling problem."

Lucius already knew who the culprit was, but he also wanted to see whether his Tassina would arrive at the same conclusions.

"We have three suspects all with possible financial motives for committing theft," Tassy thought out loud, "but one of them is from the future. I think that's what we should focus on, and that I think of it. Walt was so keen to describe the books he saw in the library, but...oh!"

"What is it?"

"He mentioned Monet," Tassy blurted out. "Monet wasn't even born during the Regency period."

Lucius smiled. Walt was also his primary suspect, but just when he was about to press the Call button for the constable to come back, Lucius noticed her studying the photos of the three suspects. "Have you thought of something else?"

"What if I'm wrong? Walt was just so nice while the other two were so defensive. What if I'm missing something..."

Lucius could only think of one thing as Tassina's sentimental heart ended up overriding her common sense. He had always thought that people who were "too" nice for their own good were a myth, but his Tassina was the real deal, and when he thought about how all these years she could have so easily been taken advantage of...

Tassy was startled when a frowning Lucius suddenly cupped her face.

"I want you to promise me one thing."

"O-Okay..." Why did he sound so serious? Did this have anything to do with Walt being her primary suspect?

"People will say anything just to get out of trouble."


"So trust your brain, not your heart. Can you promise me that?"

"" Tassy saw his frown darken and hastily came up with a compromise. "Trust brain, not heart," she parroted instead. "Got it."


Lucius' frown was gone, and he was smiling again.


Tassy's confusion only grew when Lucius handed her a pen and paper from the selection available and took a set for himself. "What's this for?"

