The Rancher’s Heir with the Housekeeper Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23247 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 77(@300wpm)

He's a billionaire, and I'm just me.

He probably regrets proposing to me.

He just doesn't know how to take the words back.

Despair threatened to overwhelm her, but Betsy fought against it by squeezing her eyes shut and asking God for help.

Prayers were usually people's last resort, but falling for the wrong man had taught her otherwise. Prayers were one's best resort, and now that she had prayed for her and Lukas, she pushed all her worries aside and focused firmly on the present.

There was much to do around the apartment and for D, and while fears infiltrated her thoughts every so often, Betsy steadfastly refused to let them linger.

Remember Matthew 6:27, Betsy. Worry has never added another hour to any person's life, so stop wasting your time.

It was late in the afternoon when her phone suddenly buzzed, and Betsy's heart skipped a beat.

Please, please let it be Lukas.

But her excitement was short-lived, guilt stinging her conscience when she saw Charlotte's name on her screen.

Charlotte: I have someone for you to meet. Please be at Hotel Aehrenthal with D by four p.m. Don't be late. Seriously.

Betsy: There's something I have something to tell you first.

Charlotte: We can talk about it later. I'm in the middle of the meeting, sorry. See you!

BETSY WAS STILL STRUGGLING with indecision when she arrived at the hotel. Should she have told Charlotte from the start that she was no longer pushing through with the wedding? Or was it better that she do so here, in person?

The thought of breaking her word to Charlotte was distressing. But what choice did she have? Last night was an eye-opener. She could never marry any other man after what happened between her and Lukas.

Despair continued to haunt Betsy's thoughts even as she forced herself to approach one of the women behind the hotel's reception counter. "Hi—-"

"Hello, Ms. Lark!"

Betsy momentarily forgot her troubles at the shock of hearing a stranger address her by name.

"I'm Esther, your event coordinator. Mrs. Carmichaels is already at the Lakeview Suite."

Betsy started having a bad feeling about the whole thing. Why did she need an event coordinator?

Esther's voice was full of pride as she relayed all the "extraordinary" arrangements the hotel had completed since this morning.

Floral sculptures.

A special ten-course menu by a Michelin-starred chef.

A live orchestra to play Canon in D.

Betsy felt nauseous as Esther went on to explain about Lakeview Suite having direct access to the hotel's grand ballroom.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

"Thank you for choosing to celebrate this special day with us, Ms. Lark."

Betsy was ready to puke by the time they made it to their destination. Esther opened the door for her, and Betsy saw Charlotte seated inside.

"You're here, finally!"

Betsy tried to think of what to say as she watched Charlotte hurry towards her, but every sensible thought fled her mind when she saw the well-dressed gentleman standing behind her friend.

Oh, this just got so, so much worse!

Charlotte's expression turned to concern. "Where's D?"

Betsy swallowed hard. "I thought it was better if..."

Charlotte's face softened even more. "You don't have to explain. You're his mother, and you know best."

The other woman's kindness only made Betsy feel worse. Oh, this was so, so much harder than she had thought it would be.

Charlotte suddenly gasped. "I almost forgot to introduce you." She gestured to the man next to her, saying with a smile, "This is Judah, Betsy."

Judah immediately stepped forward. "Hello, darling."

Betsy's eyes widened. Darling?

Charlotte curled an arm around Betsy's. "Shall we begin?"

Judah took a step back, and it was only then that Betsy noticed the rack of what looked like exquisitely hand-crafted designer-labeled bridal wear.

Oh, dear Lord, help me.

Betsy turned to Charlotte in a panic, stammering, "Lukas—-"

"He's already selected his suit," the other woman assured her, "and he's waiting for us with Judge Hamill as we speak."

"Don't you worry, my dear." Judah pulled out a strapless concoction in silk and lace from the rack. "I only need minutes to work my magic, and you'll be the most stunning bride Mr. Tsaldaris would ever see in his life."

Betsy could hardly believe her ears.

A bride for Lukas?

As Judah got her into a makeup chair and started applying foundation to her face, Betsy's dazed gaze met Charlotte's reflection through the vanity mirror, and the other woman's lips curved in a smile.

Congratulations, Charlotte mouthed.

Betsy's eyes started to tear...until she heard Judah let out an appalled gasp. "Oh no, you don't! No crying or I will have to start all over again!"

Betsy and Charlotte ended up bursting into laughter instead, and with the rest of Judah's crew arriving, there was no longer a chance for them to talk in private. Charlotte felt like a puppet in the next forty-five minutes, but she wouldn't trade it for the world.

By the time Judah finally allowed her to step in front of a full-length mirror, he had truly kept her word, and it was all she could do not to cry.

