The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

“Jake, for fuck’s sake!” Lucinda’s impatient voice half pulls me from my mental breakdown.

I search her out, just so she can see the sincerity in my eyes. She’s gonna need to see it. “I’m in love with her, Luce.”

She gapes at me for a few moments before she finds her voice. “Oh, fucking hell,” she whispers, knocking back her drink. “Oh, Jake.”

Her words say it all. She’s one of the only people on the planet who knows my personal history, as well as my professional one. She knows the magnitude of the situation I’m faced with. She knows what Camille must mean to me for me to put myself in this situation. “Yes,” I agree. “Fucking hell.”

“Does she know?” She’s not talking about the fact that I love her, though I plan on making sure Camille knows how I feel the second I find her. Lucinda is talking about the thing that might stop Camille from returning my love. The thought cripples me.

“She knows I was in the SAS; she knows there was another woman and personal emotion had me relieved of duty.” I find a chair and slump into it.

“But she doesn’t know about…” She drifts off, knowing I can’t face hearing the words.

I shake my head. How can I expect someone else to understand if I can’t wrap my mind around it even now, four years later?

“Camille’s father has been digging into me, too,” I tell her.

“It’s not censored information, Jake. If he wants to find out, he will. If he doesn’t already know all about it.”

“Camille’s still in danger, Luce. Three days are up. They said time’s up! I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I need to find out.” Calm. I need to keep calm.

She nods, taking a deep breath. “Then we will,” she asserts, heading for her study. “Get your arse in here, you lovesick pony.”

I smile to myself and get to my feet, following her in. “Have you found out anything more?”

“Yes, and it’s interesting,” Lucinda pronounces, and I look over to find her lowering to see the screen of her laptop better.

“What?” I’m across the room to her before she can begin telling me.

“Logan’s wife is pregnant.”


“Yep. Her GP records show a visit four weeks ago. And I bet it ain’t Daddy Logan’s.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“Indeed. She also popped in Selfridges on her way home from the doctor’s office and bought a pair of Louboutins.”

I look at her in utter amazement. “How the fuck do you find this shit out?”

She shrugs. “Who the fuck wears Louboutins when they’re pregnant?”

I shake my head in despair, finding it hard to focus on anything except where Logan’s taken Cami and what he’s told her. I dread to think. He’s a manipulating bastard, and though I know my angel has her own mind, the confusion she’s going to be feeling now will be playing games with that. “Is any of this even fucking relevant?”

“I don’t know! I’m looking into everything!”

“My relationship with Cami isn’t the only reason he’s sent me packing. What’s he hiding? What the fuck was attached to the e-mail that was deleted?” I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Cami again.

It goes straight to voice mail and I curse my arse off. “What the fuck is going on?” I yell, getting more and more frustrated by the second as I stalk toward the door, thinking none of this shit actually matters to me. What matters is that I get Cami back and protect her from her father. He can sort the rest of the shit out himself, as long as I have Camille and she’s safe. And to think he sees me as a risk to his daughter? His death is becoming more brutal by the second. “Keep an eye on that e-mail account.”

“Jake, where are you going?” Lucinda chases after me, but I don’t look back. Screw the agency. Screw my job. And screw the fucking police. “Don’t do anything stupid, Jake!”

I laugh to myself. Stupid? I’ve fallen in fucking love. I couldn’t be any more stupid than that.

Chapter 22


I’m numb, dying slowly on the inside as I listen to my father reel off what’s happened. Jake’s gone. It doesn’t make any sense. I was locked in that room for half an hour, banging to get free, and when Dad finally let me out, Pete and Grant looked worse for wear and Jake was nowhere to be found. What the hell happened?

“Let me take you home, my little star.” Dad’s arm comes up around me, and though the urge is there, I don’t shrug him off. Quite honestly, I’m not sure what I should be doing. “You’ll be safe with me.” He starts to lead me from Jake’s apartment, waving Pete and Grant ahead of us as we go.

I look at my father, my mind a mess of confusion, and see genuine concern on his face. Concern for me? He’s my dad. There’s no one in the world who I should feel safer with. Yet the fear in me isn’t showing any signs of lessening. “Who are you keeping me safe from, Dad? Men you’ve bankrupted? Sebastian? Jake?”

