The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

“Don’t look,” he orders softly as he turns away, my eyes just catching a glimpse of a body sprawled on the floor, arms splayed out at the sides. The horrific sight of the pool of blood growing around his head doesn’t deter me. I look at his face. His eyes are wide open, his mouth lax.

“I don’t know him.” My confused statement comes from nowhere, my voice found.

Jake releases one hand, keeping me secure against his chest with his other, and pushes his palm into my cheek, encouraging me to rest my head against his chest. “Shhh,” he hushes me, and my body begins to sway in time to his long strides as he carries me away.

I look up at his bristly neck and listen to his heart beating evenly under my ear. He’s focused forward, his face straight, but his jaw is tight.

When we make it outside, I bury my face against his chest and hide from the glare, drawing in long breaths through my nose, making the most of his scent and the fresh air. The walk to his car is long but he doesn’t tire. His hold of me doesn’t shift, and his pace doesn’t falter. He’s like a machine, programmed with purpose.

He sits me in the passenger seat carefully, letting me take my time to accustom my body to my new position. Everything is suddenly aching. Pulling open the glove compartment, he takes a tissue and starts wiping at my face, ridding it of blood and dirt with painstaking care. His finger meets my chin and lifts a little, and he homes in on my neck, prompting me to lift my hand and feel.

He stops me. “Don’t touch it.” Pressing my hand back to my lap, he lets it settle and then pulls my seat belt across, securing me in my seat. He doesn’t miss the opportunity to push his lips into my forehead as he steps away.

The door closes and he’s next to me in a heartbeat, starting the car, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialing. “I’ve got her,” he says, to Lucinda I expect. “There are two bodies in the old Warston factory off the A505.” He pulls out onto the bumpy lane and turns around in two quick moves. “Let Logan know she’s safe.” He falls silent, listening carefully, his eyes flicking briefly to mine. “I have one of their phones.”

I frown, trying to keep up with the conversation, but what I can hear is too sketchy.

“Whoever it is should be calling soon,” Jake says.

I’m confused. Whoever it is? Didn’t he just kill them?

“See you there.” He hangs up and looks across to me. “Okay?”

“What phone? Who will be calling?” I ask, relief disappearing, replaced by anxiety.

“I don’t know,” Jake admits. “Your dad hasn’t been entirely honest with us.” He says this tentatively, like he doesn’t want to tell me. “He’s chosen to keep certain things to himself.”


“Like information on the threats he received—information that would have helped us find the people who sent them.”

“Why would he do that?” I ask, perplexed. “He called off your protection! Said he’d dealt with it! Why would he do that if he knew I was at risk?” This doesn’t make any sense. Even his tenacity in thinking that Jake isn’t good enough for me isn’t a good enough reason. It’s crazy that he’d behave so heedlessly.

Jake’s expression takes on a frightening edge of anger, his jaw ticking violently. It’s a hint that he’s thinking the exact same thing. “He was a desperate man,” Jake spits, and I sigh, unable to comprehend why Dad would go to such lengths to keep Jake away from me rather than accept him and take comfort in the knowledge that I’m safe with him. I feel like he’s gambled recklessly with my life. How could he? My own father?

“How did you find me?”

Jake smiles now, keeping his eyes on the road. “I’ve told you before, angel.” His hand takes mine in my lap and squeezes. “I’ll always find you.”

I smile and rest back in my seat, returning his squeeze. All of my life I’ve strived for independence. I’ve repelled attempts to have that taken from me. Now I would surrender it all to Jake in a heartbeat. If I had to choose, I would always choose Jake. But I know I won’t need to, which makes me love him all the more. I’ve found someone who sees me as me. Someone who encourages me. Someone who I know will always be with me, no matter what. No judgments. No conditions. No gain to him except my love. It’s his. Unconditionally. Just like I know his for me will be.

“Where are we going?” I ask.


“Where’s home?”

“Where do you want it to be?” He looks across at me, keeping his face blank, waiting for my reply.

