The Promise Read online J.L. Beck (North Woods University #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: North Woods University Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 71246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

“What the fuck do you think you are doing here?” Lex growls like a dog.

“Getting my daughter.” My father’s black emotionless eyes find mine behind Lex. “You are coming home, right now!”

My eyes are wide with terror, and I’m clawing at the door frame to try and hold myself back in the safety of our house as my brain fills with images of what awaits me if he did get the chance, and I was whisked away by him. I know Lex won’t let that happen, but this kind of fear has been embedded in me for so long, it’s hard to let go.

Digging deep, I find the strength to speak, “You have no right to be here. I’m not your daughter anymore, and I’m not going anywhere with you.”

My father takes a step toward us, reaching for me, but Lex steps in between, shielding me from him.

“If you ever touch my fiancée again, it will be the last fucking thing you touch. You understand, old man? I will break every fucking finger on your hand until you get the point.”

Lex’s words stun him, and he steps back, startled as if the words actually slapped him. Uncertainty is plastered on his face, and I revel in it. I revel in all of it, his misery, his fears, and his wariness. For once, he is on the receiving end of the belt.

“What is that supposed to mean?” he spits back.

“I’m pregnant, and I’m going to marry Lex. Now leave, there is no reason for you to be here.” I rub it in his face, trying to simmer down my rage. Having found my protective momma-bear power, I plant my feet apart, daring him or anyone to take away my ability to choose ever again.

“I want you out of my life for good. I know what a scumbag you are. Liar. Thief. Child rapist. We know everything, and you will pay for the things you’ve done. All of them.”

Color drains from his face, and he stumbles back two steps. I can see that the carefully crafted façade he built and tried to project his entire life is now shattered. No more denial. No more operating in the shadows. No more ability to deceive or control.

His demons were finally coming home to roost.

He turns and walks away and looks a hundred years older.

I know then, we will never see him again.

Disease and decay can never live in the light.

Lex closes the door behind him and pulls me into his arms, telling me how powerful I was and how proud he is of me. “You did good, baby. You told him what you needed to, and now you never have to see his face again.”

Lex takes out his phone and starts calling people while I recoup my bearings. I lean back and look up at him, listening to his voice while rubbing my belly.

“Yes, he was just here… good… thank you… I owe you.” He hangs up. “Roman still had someone placed to watch the house, they followed your father and picked him up a few blocks from here.” He doesn’t tell me more, and that’s probably for the best. I don’t know what they are going to do to him, neither do I care, other than knowing he’ll pay for all his sins.

“Were you serious?” I ask the other thing that’s been on my mind for the last few minutes.

“About what?” Lex asks.

“You called me your fiancée? Do you really want to marry me?”

“Are you kidding? Of course, I do! I even have the ring already. Seb and Rem helped me pick it out. I was just waiting for the right time.” He is grinning as if he has won the mega lottery and eaten the last piece of pie all at the same time.

“I suppose that means—Wait right here.” He runs out of the room, rummages around in what sounds like a drawer, and runs back.

He looks at me, takes a deep breath, and then drops to one knee.

I gasp and clutch my chest with my hand.

“Jude, you came into my life like a shooting star. One fiery, magical night, you lit up my sky, and I have never been the same since. That night, I was destroyed for any other woman and any other life. I only wanted you. Even at your most vulnerable and weakest, I saw your brilliance and strength.

“In the time since, I have come to know the depth of your goodness, your playfulness, and the bravery equal to any of the best Marines I have ever fought beside. I want a wife who is loving and works to embody all of her power, in the face of any foe. Who will fight to live the life of her heart, one she will forever be proud of. That woman is you.

