The Promise Read online J.L. Beck (North Woods University #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: North Woods University Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 71246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

“Yeah, baby…” I grunt.

“I need…” She gasps as I hit deep inside of her. “More…” I can tell she isn’t sure what she’s asking for just that she needs that little bit that’s going to push her over the edge, so I balance on one arm and continue fucking her hard and fast while bringing a hand between our joined bodies. My fingers slide between her folds easily, and I rub fast circles against her clit, focusing my attention on her face, watching it morph into something more in a quick second.

“That’s what you need?” I grit out, thrusting faster.

Unable to form words, she nods, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip, leaving an indentation. Pleasure builds at the bottom of my spine, my balls are begging for release, and my muscles ache. But I continue working her over until her pussy flutters around my cock, tightening all around me, letting me know she’s gotten her release.

Then I bury my face into the crook of her neck and fuck her hard and fast until the pressure in my balls becomes too much to bear. Thrusting one more time, I go off like an atomic bomb, releasing ropes of my sticky release inside of her.

A heavy fog covers my brain, and I roll off of her a second before I collapse against her. Falling onto the mattress on the other side of her, I suck air into my heaving lungs. It’s been a long time since I felt something that intense before.

Once I’ve caught my breath, I roll over to find Jude on her side, staring at me. She looks satiated and sleepy.

“Are you okay?” I ask, my voice husky.

“Yes, I’m great.” Her eyes pinch at the sides as she moves, and I know she has to be in pain. I want to apologize, but what good would that do? Do I tell her that I’ve never felt the need to fuck someone like I did her? Surely, that will send her running to the door. Still, I want to apologize for hurting her if I did.

“I’m sorry if I… went too hard or fast.”

“You didn’t. It was perfect.” She smiles, and the air in my chest evaporates. She’s so damn pure looking right now that I just want to wrap my arms around her and protect her from the rest of the world.

“Are you… are you okay aside from that? Do you have somewhere to go?” I can’t believe I’m asking her if she’s homeless after fucking her.

She reaches down and grabs the blanket tugging it up to her chest. “My family isn’t… They aren’t very nice. They have strict rules and stuff.”

The vagueness of her answer has giant red flags waving in front of my eyes. “Are they hurting you?”

She shakes her head, but there is an uncertainty in her eyes that tells me she’s lying. Reaching for her, I tug her into my body and brush a few strands of hair off her face. Her cheeks are red, and her lips are swollen. She smells like sex, and me, and it’s making my need to protect her a hundred times stronger.

“I promise that if you need somewhere to go, someone to protect you, I’ll be that person. I’ve spent four years serving my country, protecting people is kind of my job. I’ll protect you if that’s what you need, I’ll keep you safe.”

Jude’s blue eyes become misty, and she gives me a sad smile. “Promises were meant to be broken.”

“Not mine. I keep my promises. Always.” I get the feeling she’s been let down a time or two in her life, and I want her to know that if she needs some type of safety, I’m here for her. I’ll catch her if she falls.

Pulling her even closer, I hold her to me, showing her with my body that I’ve got her, that I’ll keep her safe. She takes my invitation, cuddling into me, burying her face into my chest. She sucks in a harsh breath and then melts into me.

I try my best to fight against the exhaustion that’s overcoming me, wanting this moment to go on forever, but I’m only so strong with her in my arms. Letting my eyes fall closed, I fall asleep with her warm breath fanning against my skin and the soft, steady beat of her heart on my chest.


My eyes blink open, and for one single second, the unfamiliar room has me in a panic, but as soon as I take in my surroundings, those feelings vanish into thin air.

Warmth surrounds me, warmth and safety. Lex’s heavy arm is draped over me, holding me tightly to his chest like I belong to him. Oh, how I wish that were true.

I wish I could stay here in his arms forever, but I know that’s just a dream. My family won’t stop looking for me if I don’t return. I need them to disown me first. I need to go back there so I can ultimately be free of them. I know they won’t let me go without retaliation.

