The Promise Read online J.L. Beck (North Woods University #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: North Woods University Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 71246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

I shift my position, trying to see if Jude is with them, but I don’t see her. She must be behind one of the doors that are behind them.

These guys don’t seem well-armed. One pistol between them, which lies on the table, unless another is shoved in one of their waistbands. This should be easy.

Hell, I could probably walk up, knock on the door, and punch them out before they realized what was happening.

But you never assume you have all the intel. There could be another helper in a bathroom somewhere or keeping watch in the room with Jude.

No, better to go in with controlled maximum force. Eradicate any possibility of resistance. Neutralize any threat.

This is my child and the woman I want to marry. The only thing that matters to me is their safety. It hits me again, and I grip my rifle tighter. These motherfuckers are going to pay.

I glance toward Luke and Roman once more. They are tight and ready to back me up.

I hold up three fingers and bring one down to my palm one at a time.




I kick in the door, shove the gun and playing cards off the table, moving the weapon out of reach. Disorienting the men, I plant my boot in the face of one as the other struggles to get his gun out of his rear waistband. Knew it. I lunge at him before it gets free, and he grunts as we go down, the arm behind him breaking with a loud, satisfactory crunch, that causes him to wail out in pain as we hit the ground.

As I get up, I’m tackled from behind by the first guy, who tries to get me into a headlock. I reach back to claw his eyes out, but he uses that advantage to tighten his grip, cutting off my air supply. Knowing I have less than six seconds before I pass out, I slam my foot into his shin and ankle with my heavy boot, to gain a couple of millimeters of freedom when he cries out.

I use that small reprieve to twist back toward his dominant arm and place my leg behind his, giving me room to slip out and twist his arm up behind him. Then I slam against the back of his knees, causing him to buckle and go down.

The second guy finds his footing, standing once more, and heads for my back when I hear a cold voice at the door.

“I would stop right there if I were you.” Roman. Finally.

The douche backs away, and Roman orders him face down on the floor. Roman keeps them pinned there with his gun as Luke and I begin opening doors.

“Clear,” Luke calls out.

“Clear,” I add after opening the second room that is lit.

We look around, trying to find where they might have stashed her. Then I see a door at the back of the room.

When I fling it open, I find Jude sitting in a far corner, shielding her eyes from the sudden light.


“Lex! Oh, my god, Lex!” She stands as I cross the distance and crush her in my arms. Holding her so tight I’m worried I might crush her, I bury my nose in her hair and breathe her in. I want to keep her in my arms forever, protect her from everyone and everything. I need to do better, I can do better.

“Kids! Time to go!” Roman calls out, dragging me out of my momentary bubble. We are not safe yet.

I release Jude and ask if she is okay. “You’re not hurt?”

“No, no, I’m fine. They didn’t touch me, just scared me.” I grab her hand, wrapping mine fully around her smaller one and pull her close to me. We have to get out of here before more men show up.

Luke is just finishing tying the men up, and I want to smash their heads in with my boots until they are a bloody, pulpy mess. Then I realize that a fate worse than that is waiting for them when Damon shows up, and I don’t have to do a thing. Just leave their stupid asses here.

Talk about karma.

Maybe asking Damon for help wasn’t such a bad idea. It got me Jude, and I know for sure that these assholes will pay the ultimate price.



The four of us head out the door as quick as thieves. When we reach the edge of a gravel parking lot, Lex bends down and picks me up. I almost object, but the truth is, I won’t be able to walk fast or run with bare feet on that harsh gravel. Not without tearing up my skin, so I bite my tongue and let him go all alpha on me.

He carries me all the way through a heavily forested area and to another parking lot, where a dark SUV is parked. His friends get into the front as Lex deposits me into the back seat before sliding in beside me.

