The Problem with Players Read Online Brittainy C. Cherry

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 122219 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

A slight breath of relief slipped through my lips as I moved over to her. I sat down on the coffee table in front of her and clasped my hands together. “I loved you back then, Ave. I know you probably doubted that because of how things went down, but I did. We only connected for a short period of time, on the diamond and off, but during that season of my life, you were the best thing that happened to me. Losing you was the hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.”

“Then why?” she asked. “Why did you let me go?”

“I was a mess. My family’s farm wasn’t doing well. No one knew that except for my father. He got into a bit of gambling issues and owed some guys a lot of money. As you know, he and I had a rocky relationship. He, um, was my greatest hero and my biggest villain. I never understood how that could be the same person. How the person in charge of my biggest highs could also be the cause of my lowest lows. How he could be my cheerleader and my opponent. But that’s who he was to me. The only reason I took up baseball was to be closer to my father, and then I realized that no matter how good I became, I wouldn’t get him to love me the way I wanted to be loved. His love came with conditions, and his goalpost kept moving. He was proud of me for seconds until he saw someone doing better than me. Then he’d expect more from me.

“You were the part of my life where I could be myself fully. The good and the bad. About a week after I realized how deep and real my feelings were for you, he and I got into the biggest fight. I told him I didn’t want to play for the pros. I didn’t want to pack up my life and sign a contract for something that would take me away from you. He had a heart attack that night.”

“That was the night he passed away?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Needless to say, I blamed myself for it and took it as my responsibility to care for my family. I pushed you away because I thought I had no choice. I thought I’d let my whole family down if I didn’t do what my father wanted or fully focus on my career. It was his dying wish for me, and I handled it awfully.”

Her eyes were soft with compassion as she placed a hand against my forearm. “Nathan…I would’ve understood all this. I just wish you would’ve communicated that with me instead of cutting me off so abruptly. You left and never looked back. You wrote me out of your life without giving me any reason as to why. It was unexpected and harsh.”

“I know. I was grieving, and young, and scared. I didn’t think it through. And by the time I did, I figured I missed my opportunity. I didn’t think it was right for me to try again with you after I blew it so massively. But I do owe you the biggest apology for how things ended, Avery. You deserved more, and I’m sorry for how I handled it.”

She smiled gently. “Thank you for that. I’ve waited a long time to hear you say those words.”

“It took too long for me to say them.” I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck. “My mom believes that each person has three big regrets in life. Three defining moments in a person’s life. If they had the chance, they would’ve gone back and changed the choices they’d made. My three include that final conversation I had with my father, the night I went out to drink instead of staying with Mickey, and the night I ended things with you. Losing you, Avery, is one of my top three regrets.”

She stayed quiet for a moment, studying me. I was trying my best to read her mind and tap into the thoughts flying through her brain. Yet all I could do was wait for her to say something, anything. I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t want to give me another chance. I wouldn’t be shocked if she thought this was too much. Yet I needed to hear her say it. I needed her to push me away so I could officially let her go. Though, a part of me figured that a woman like Avery wasn’t something a person just let go of.

I figured that no matter what, she’d always linger within my heart.

There was no other woman for me. It was Avery Kingsley or no one.

She reached for me, holding her hands in my direction. I gave her my hands, and she took them into hers. She slowly raised them to her lips and kissed my palms gently before pulling me over to her to join her on the couch. She bit her bottom lip, nervously breaking her stare away from mine. Then she looked up at me. Those brown eyes that I loved so much smiled more than her lips. “If I let you in this time, Nathan, you have to promise you’ll stay.”

