The Player I Hate to Love (Elite Players #2) Read Online Jillian Quinn

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Elite Players Series by Jillian Quinn

Total pages in book: 53
Estimated words: 50620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 253(@200wpm)___ 202(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

I hopped off the bed and closed the distance between us. “I’ll make you some egg whites. Then we can get going.”

“I don’t eat breakfast,” she shot back.

“Your body needs the fuel.”

“I’m good, Dad.”

Not wanting another fight this early in the morning, I left Clarke in the bedroom to finish getting ready. In the kitchen, I opened the cabinets until I found a frying pan and set it on the stove. The refrigerator was vacant, save for a carton of eggs, a block of cheese, and a half carton of milk.

Damn, I thought my sister was bad.

When Mia was single and living alone, she never had enough money to buy food. I constantly had to stop by with food or give her money that she refused to accept. Most of the time she lived off takeout Chinese food for several nights in a row and free coffee and snacks from her employer. It was sad. But what was Clarke’s excuse? She was clearly rich, even though she never acted like it.

Clarke stumbled into the kitchen. She dumped coffee grounds into a filter and turned on the coffeemaker.

“You should drink some water before we go.”

“I can take care of myself, Will.”

“Just a suggestion.”

I spun around to face her with a cartoon of eggs in my hand. She slid a stool out from the island, dragging the legs along the tiled floor.

“What’s up with the welfare fridge?”

She gave me a confused look.

“You have no food. It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

“I wasn’t home much before I left for Philly. Then we were in Vegas and at the wedding. When did I have time to go to the food store?”

“We can go after our run.”

“I have to take a shower when we get back and go into the office.”

“You’re working?”

“My boss set a staff meeting for eight o’clock. I can’t miss it.”

“I was hoping we could spend the day together since I have to leave tomorrow for a training session in Philly.”

I dropped some butter into the hot frying pan and cracked open four eggs, separating the whites from the yolk. “You sure you don’t want some?”

“I’m good with coffee.”

When the coffee finished brewing, the machine beeped. I reached into the cabinet for a mug and poured some for Clarke.

She took it from me with a pleased smile. “Thank you. Think you can get me some Splenda? It’s in the ceramic cow next to the stove.”


She shook her head. “Just sugar.”

I handed her a packet of sugar before I turned around to plate my eggs. Clarke sipped her coffee loudly, slurping it down like she would never have another cup.

For as long as I could remember, I had gotten up early to train. I embraced mornings. It was the one time of the day when I could get shit done and focus on myself.

I sat beside Clarke and shoveled the eggs into my mouth. Clarke finished her cup and slid off the stool to drop the mug into the sink. She stared at me from across the counter, watching me with a strange look on her face.

“What?” I asked between bites. “Am I annoying you?”

“No. Just thinking.”

I wiggled my eyebrows as I chewed my food. “Good things about me, I hope.”

She considered my words for a moment, digging her teeth into her bottom lip. “Finish your eggs. I have to grab something from the bedroom before we leave.”

As she walked out of the kitchen, my cock jerked at the sight of her tight ass in those pants. Men around the world were thankful for yoga pants. Those long legs I wanted to wrap around me… and that body I wanted to roam my hands over.

How the hell am I going to win this bet with Clarke taunting me with those damn pants?

Chapter Nineteen


I hated running or any form of physical exertion. And somehow, Will talked me into a three-mile run around the Capital. What was I thinking?

When we entered the lobby of my building, I hunched forward, palms on my knees as I struggled to catch my breath. Will looked as if he hadn’t even broken a sweat.

Damn hockey players.

Even when we had sex, he looked as if he could go another two rounds with no break. While I was a boneless mess, unable to move or think straight afterward.

“C’mon, girl.” Will tapped my shoulder. “I’ll make you a protein shake. Need to refuel this beautiful body.”

“I’m never running again,” I choked out as I rose to my full height.

Will hooked his arm around me. “You’ll learn to love it. Just how I’ll learn to love all your nerdy shit. For better or worse.”

I leaned against his hard bicep. “I’m not a nerd.”

“That’s debatable.”

I walked toward the elevator bank, and Will grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

“What the hell, Will?”

