The Pact Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 190
Estimated words: 181992 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 910(@200wpm)___ 728(@250wpm)___ 607(@300wpm)

I’d sensed as much. “What was his problem with our family?”

“He said that you all made him feel ‘judged’ and that you looked down on him just because he isn’t wealthy—which, of course, was pure bullshit. He knew it was bullshit. The reason he didn’t want to visit was he could sense that you, Ollie, and Dad didn’t like him. Dario needs to feel adored and respected.” She rolled her eyes.

“I wanted to like him. And I did try pretending that I did. I wasn’t very good at it. You have Mom’s poker face. I don’t.”

Alicia flicked out a hand. “Let’s talk about something else. Anything else. Literally anything.”

“Fine. But it’ll do you good to get it all out of your system, you know. I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk about it.”

“I know. I adore you for …” Grabbing her sunglasses, she raised them slightly. “Whoa, hot guy alert. Numerous hot guys, in fact. One of which is Drey Mercier.”

Ah, so it was. You couldn’t miss him, really. Tall and broad, he had the imposing build of a football player. “He has buddies who live here, so he shows up often.”

Others around the pool quickly noticed and recognized the pro athlete easily. It made me smile how so many young women swiftly “readied” themselves—whipping off goggles, removing floppy hats, yanking out nose plugs, tugging off bathing caps, or adjusting their swimsuits. One abruptly tossed an inflatable ball aside, as if not wanting to be seen as childish for playing with it—said ball bounced off the head of her friend, who cursed loud.

“You know,” began Alicia, “he isn’t the type I go for, but I can see why Harri has a little crush on him. He’s nice to look at.”

Indeed. “Blake Mercier and his wife sure do make pretty boys.”

“Don’t they have a daughter, too?”

“Yes. Raven. She’s attends our local college.” I watched as several women began gravitating toward Drey, doing their best to make him notice them.

“Is he always surrounded like that?” asked Alicia.

I nodded. “Whenever he comes here, yes. He’s always friendly and polite, but he bats away most of the attention. I guess we can’t blame them for drooling. As you admitted, he’s nice to look at.”

“But far too old for Harri.”

I smiled. “She’s not a baby anymore.”

“She’ll always be a baby to me,” Alicia maintained, eyeing her wrinkly fingertips.

“Well, that ‘baby’ runs a successful business and is more emotionally mature than some adults twice her age.” I paused as the lifeguard’s whistle split the air. “She’s also supremely confident that she’ll be titled ‘Favorite Aunt’ by Marleigh and Ollie’s baby.”

Alicia let out a pfft sound. “Not a chance. That’ll be me.” Rubbing at her arm, she frowned. “I need more sunscreen, but I want to eat before I do anything else. The smell of junk food is calling my name. Nachos and fries work for you?”

“Any day of the week,” I replied. “And can you get me another bottle of water, please?”

“No problem.” She pulled some cash out of the purse she’d placed beneath her lounger, slipped on her flip-flops, and then stood. “I’ll be back in a sec.” With that, she left, the slap of her sandals beating at the ground.

An itch coming to life on my shoulder, I lightly scratched at it, wincing at the resulting prickly sting. Sunburn. Awesome. As was the smudge on my sunglasses. Tugging them off, I used the towel beneath me to wipe the lenses.

A cooling breeze swept over my skin and caused the umbrella to flap … just as a shadow fell over me. Looking up, I went still. Because beside my bed was none other than Dax.

My heartbeat did a predictable little stutter as a frisson of sexual excitement arrowed through me. It was instant. Intense. Uncontrollable.

“Hello, Addison,” he said, his beautiful eyes hidden by sunglasses.

“Dax, hi.” Ignoring the rising tension, I cleared my throat. “I’m surprised to see you here. Never seen you hang by the pool before.”

Planting his feet, he twisted his mouth. “Caelan said he spoke to you a few days ago. He told me you seemed upset about something.”

I wasn’t touching that subject. “Did he also tell you he welcomed me to the family?”

Dax’s lips hiked up. “He thinks you’d make a good addition to it.”

The spot between my shoulder blades itched as a sense of discomfort crept up on me. It was a combination of things—that so much of my body was exposed, that he towered over me, that I couldn’t see his eyes, that I wore no makeup, that my damp hair was in a messy bun, that he looked like he’d just stepped off an ad for sexiest business moguls.

“Have you made a decision yet?” he asked.

I swallowed, shoving my glasses back on. “Not yet.”

“You only have two days left.”

“I know.” I was vividly conscious of it. “Part of me still can’t believe you want me to keep my word on this.”

