The Monsters We Are (Devil’s Cradle #3) Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Witches Tags Authors: Series: Devil's Cradle Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 125179 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 626(@200wpm)___ 501(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

Cain fought a smile as he realized just how much the Aeon had overestimated what success his sneaky move would have. That was Adam all over, though. The man was so arrogant and superior that it often didn’t occur to him that a plan might not pay off.

“What is it that you want?” Seth asked.

Adam notched up his chin. “I think you all now realize just how serious I am about striking at your town until I get what I want.”

“Even if I had a sliver of an interest in cooperating—which I don’t—I couldn’t possibly give myself up to you and make my way to Aeon,” said Cain. “You know that perfectly well.”

“Yes, I do,” said Adam. “But your people do not, do they? And so they will turn on you.” He paused, his eyes scanning each Ancient but purposefully skipping over Cain. “It is the witch I want. Perhaps Cain has reported all that was said in our previous meetings. Perhaps not. It would not surprise me to learn that he held certain details back.”

Inanna sighed. “If you are only here to make some sad attempt at causing trouble among us, we might as well end this meeting now. None of the Ancients will ever view one of their own as the enemy. Like it or not, you firmly united us when you dumped us here.”

Ishtar nodded. “We will never see you as an ally or trust a word you say. So simply be clear about what it is you want. I do not like to have my time wasted.”

Adam’s jaw hardened. “I have already been clear on what I want. The witch. Wynter Dellavale. Give her to me.”

Cain was expecting Adam’s request. Even so, his gut went tight and his enraged inner creature coiled its muscles in preparation to lunge, however pointless it would be.

Azazel snorted. “Why would we do that?”

“I will continue to wreak havoc on Devil’s Cradle if you do not,” threatened Adam.

“You will have your people wreak havoc on your behalf, and you will continue to do it either way,” said Dantalion with an unconcerned shrug.

“Let’s be honest, Adam.” Lilith crossed one leg over the other. “You are attacking our town and attempting to scare our population because you hope to weaken us. You want the people to run scared or betray us. You want the place to crumble—a fruitless exercise, I might add, since the land is as protected by power as that of Aeon. In short, you are not prepared to take us on right now because you quite simply don’t believe that you can. Did you think we would not see that?” she scoffed, shaking her head.

A flush stained Adam’s cheeks. “Why are you so certain I want a war? As I have told Cain in the past, there does not need to be one.”

“Don’t bother claiming you would leave us in peace if we cooperated,” said Cain. “You will seek revenge for Abel’s death—we’re all well aware of that.”

Adam’s eyes briefly glittered with something dark. “Revenge is most certainly what I want. But my beef is not with the Ancients as a whole. It is with you.”

“Again, we’re all well aware of that,” said Cain.

“Here is my offer,” said Adam, addressing everyone. “Yes, I will eventually come to Devil’s Cradle if the witch is not brought to me. But I do not have to destroy the place. I do not have to destroy all of you. If you agree to give Cain and the witch to me, I will quite simply take them and leave. The rest of you will be left to live here in peace with your people.”

Seth snarled. “You can shove that offer right up your ass, Father.”

Adam gave him a pitying smile. “Oh, dear boy. You may wish to pose as a Leviathan, you may possess many of their abilities, but you are not one of them. You never truly will be. As such, I am not surprised that you believe the others here would never accept my offer. You have no real concept of how callous, disloyal, and ruthless they can be. Believe me, they are tempted. Do not be shocked if they choose to betray Cain and the witch. And if you wish to live, I would advise you not to take sides.” Adam “winked” out of sight.

Cain exchanged a look with the other Ancients and then exited the psychic space. The others did the same. He dismissed the conduit, who was then escorted out of the parlor by Inanna’s aides. Now that only the Ancients filled the room, Cain said, “Well, we were right to assume he’d make an offer.”

Azazel folded his arms. “I don’t think he truly believes that the rest of us would betray you. In fact, he has to be well aware that we would not wish to give you up if for no other reason than we would then be easier for him to take out. I think he merely wishes to cause a strain on our . . . bond, for wont of a better word.”

