The Making of Matt (Souls of the Knight #3) Read Online Nicola Haken

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Souls of the Knight Series by Nicola Haken

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Thanks,” I said, laughing. “But I’m pretty sure I can handle him.”

“Why are you all here, anyway?” Matt questioned. “I’m assuming it’s not because you missed my chiseled good looks and captivating charm.”

“Ry called us about the flood,” Sawyer said. “We came to help out but it seems you’ve made good progress on your own.”

In that moment I felt honored to know these people. They were more than just Matt’s friends. They were family. He’d said as much a thousand times but I never really understood the value behind his words until today.

Taking a seat behind his desk, Matt started fiddling with some Kaleidoscope branded matchboxes. “There’s still lots to do. I’ve got a ton of deliveries coming in at ten. The builders aren’t coming back until after lunch because they’re gonna work through the night so I could use a hand getting all the crap out and into the dumpster. Oh, and I have potential bar staff coming in for interviews later but I need to head out so if one of you could fill in for me that’d be great.”

“Oh my God.” Elle snickered. “What has happened to you? It’s like my boy’s all grown up.”

“Ha! I did it!” Matt hadn’t heard Elle as he sat back in his seat, excitedly raising his hands in the air and showcasing the matchbox tower than stood tall from his desk right up to the top of his head. “Sorry. You say something?”

“Never mind.”

“Baby steps, Elle. Baby steps,” I heard Sawyer whisper in her ear.

“I swear it usually collapses when it reaches my nose.”

“Okaaaay, well as enthralling as that is,” Ryder said, rubbing his hands together. “We’ve got work to do.”

Gradually, people dispersed from the office, shock still distorting some of their expressions. Sawyer and Jake didn’t seem the least bit surprised by what they’d walked in on earlier and I suspected they’d known how Matt felt for a while. It made me glad, grateful, that he’d had people supporting him while I was too busy wallowing in my own self-pity.

Walking over to Matt, I stood behind him and started massaging his shoulders.

“Mmm,” he murmured, rolling his neck to the side.

“I’m so proud of you,” I whispered into his ear before gracing the soft flesh with a kiss.

“You keep saying that.”

“You keep earning it.”

Slowly, Matt’s chair began to spin until he faced me. His head level with my chest, he looked up at me and smiled softly, his lips never parting. “You know… my whole life I thought I was happy, but I know now that I was just too numb to know any different. The alcohol, the pot, the women… they masked how lonely I was. I didn’t realize until I thought I’d lost you that the only times I’ve ever been happy, not high or drunk, but genuinely happy, were when I was with you. You’re enough for me. You’re it for me. I don’t need all the shit I used to think made life perfect. Just you. You’re my perfect.”

“Damn I want to get you home and finish what we started,” I said, holding his face in my hands. “Know I feel it too. I’ve spent years living with fear, regret. Hating myself. Punishing myself. You’re the first person who’s made me realize that it doesn’t have to be that way, that I can be happy, too. You make me want to fight. Fight my fears, my illness, fight for a future I’m now starting to think I deserve. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather do that with, than you.”

Arching down, my lips melted into Matt’s. I kissed every emotion I felt into him, sharing my hopes, fears, pain and love with the man who became, and always would be, my best friend.

“Jeez, will you two give it a rest already?” Ryder interrupted once again. I groaned and sighed all at the same time as I released Matt’s mouth. “It’s not like we have a deadline or anything.”

“Alright, alright,” Matt succumbed, slapping his knees. “Let’s do this shit.”

Chapter Ten


“SOUNDED IMPORTANT,” SAWYER noted when I ended the call to Dr. Wilson. We were back in the office after stacking a fresh delivery of crates in the basement.

“It was my doctor.” I tossed the idea of being honest with Sawyer around in my head for a little while, unsure if I’d be breaking Alex’s trust.

Sawyer looked concerned. “Everything okay?”

“Sure. Just routine stuff.”

He knew I was lying. He always did. His right eyebrow was the key, the way it rose in suspicion. I hated being dishonest with the man I saw as my brother, but I told Alex he could trust me and I meant it.

“Tell him.”

Startled, my neck turned toward the door and I saw Alex leaning against the doorjamb. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him before joining Sawyer on the couch. I couldn’t help notice, earlier, that Sawyer opted for the smaller couch, the one that hadn’t been home to my naked ass…yet, and I wondered idly if it was an intentional decision.

