The King’s Men Read Online Nora Sakavic (All for Game #3)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for the Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 145402 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 582(@250wpm)___ 485(@300wpm)

"Hey," Matt said, low but urgent.

Neil followed the unsubtle jerk of his chin to the back door. It apparently was Renee's job to break the news to Andrew, because Renee was now leading Andrew down the back steps into the chaos. Andrew's car was further back in the parking lot and a couple rows over, but Andrew followed Renee to the upperclassmen first. Andrew stopped at Neil's side to inspect the damage. Neil in turn studied his face, but there was nothing to see. Andrew looked as unimpressed with this as he did with everything else.

Renee hooked an arm through Allison's and gave her hand a short squeeze. "I'm sorry."

"Has anyone called Coach yet?" Neil asked.

"He called us," Dan said. "The cops are notifying all the coaches and getting them down here to help corral us. He should be here any minute."

Andrew hummed and turned away. Allison nudged Renee in silent permission to abandon her for Andrew, but Renee glanced over her shoulder at Neil. Neil nodded and went after Andrew. He'd only been out here a couple minutes, but the crowd in the parking lot had tripled in size in that time. Despite Allison's tart support, Neil couldn't look anyone else in the face. These athletes had done nothing to earn the Ravens' disfavor. They were collateral damage, suffering now because Neil couldn't keep his mouth shut.

It'd never bothered him before. Caring about the Foxes was unexpected but easily explained due to long exposure. Feeling guilty over these strangers' misfortunes was new and uncomfortable. Every strident voice was a knife on Neil's nerves and he hated it. Luckily—or not—they reached Andrew's car then and Neil could stop thinking about everyone else for a minute. Neil looked up from the asphalt when Andrew stopped, and his mouth fell open in silent disbelief.

The Ravens' fans hadn't stopped with Andrew's tires and windows, and they hadn't settled for simple dings. It looked like they'd taken a sledgehammer to the entire frame, pounding fist-deep craters throughout the entire vehicle. Red spray paint across what was left of the mangled hood screamed "Traitor". The front seats were shredded, as were the back, as far in as people could reach their knives through the nonexistent windows. Someone had burst compost bags in the backseat; everything from leftovers to coffee filters and chicken bones were piled a foot deep on the cushions. On top of the reeking mountain was a dead fox.

An anguished wail jarred Neil from his shock. He shot a quick look to his left and saw Nicky had shown up with Aaron and Kevin in tow. Nicky looked devastated as he took in the car's wretched state; Aaron looked like he'd been sucker punched. Kevin had a hand over his nose and mouth to block out the smell but his green eyes were wide. It took him only a moment to notice Neil's attention, and the look he sent Neil screamed, "I warned you." Neil clenched his teeth and tore his gaze away.

Nicky stumbled over to the car and pressed unsteady hands to the misshapen hood. "No, no, no," he said piteously. "What did they do to you, baby? What did—is that a dead animal? Oh, Jesus, Aaron, there's a dead animal in our car. I'm going to be sick."

Aaron inched closer and leaned over to look inside. He cursed at the sight waiting for him and was quick to retreat. He hid his nose in the crook of his elbow as he gave the car another once-over, then glowered at Neil. Neil knew what was coming before Aaron even dropped his arm to speak.

"You just had to open your mouth, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry," Neil said. "I thought he'd come at me. I didn't think you'd get caught up in it."

"Right," Aaron said snidely. "Seth was a one-off, then?"

Neil flinched so hard he took a step back. He opened his mouth to argue, but he couldn't defend himself against an accusation like that.

It turned out he didn't have to. He hadn't realized the upperclassmen had come around to check on them, but Allison was past Neil in a heartbeat and she backhanded Aaron hard enough to nearly knock him down. She might have taken another swing, except Andrew moved like lightning. He caught her wrist to wrench her arm up behind her back and gave a violent twist to slam her to her knees. As she fell his other hand came up and seized the back of her neck. It forced her head down when she landed and kept her from getting up again. Allison tried to say something but managed only a sick choke under his fierce grip.

Renee was almost as fast; maybe she'd started moving when she realized Allison was going for Aaron. She didn't waste her time tackling Andrew but threw herself atop Allison's fallen form. She wrapped her arms around Allison, comfort and support or a fierce warning to stay still, and stared up at Andrew's blank face. Somewhere behind them someone was calling, "Whoa, whoa," as he noticed the short but vicious scuffle, but Neil was more aware of Renee's quiet but insistent,

"Andrew, it's just Allison. Okay? It's just Allison."

"It is not 'just' anyone when she lays a hand on what's mine," Andrew said. "Let go."

"You know I won't," Renee said. "You told me to protect them."

"You failed," Andrew said. "You should have been faster."

"Damn it, Andrew," Matt said, with a ferocity that was more fear than anger. Matt looked like it was killing him to stay put. Neil was glad for that self-control; there was no telling what Andrew would do if Matt challenged him right now.

Dan stood white-faced and frozen at Matt's side, her wide eyes on Allison. Nicky was too afraid to go after Andrew, so he slowly dropped to his knees and slid a hand across the asphalt. He curled his fingers around Allison's and gave her hand a tight squeeze. Neil looked to Kevin, who'd gone still as stone, then Aaron. Aaron's expression was torn, a heavy mix of outrage at Allison and fear over what his brother might do. Neil didn't know what side of the fence he'd come down on but Neil couldn't rely on him to intervene.

