The Jerk (Billionaire Bikers #1) Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Billionaire, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Billionaire Bikers Series by Marian Tee

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56653 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 283(@200wpm)___ 227(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

Bobby: Make it four.

Sabastian: I’ll make it three if you promise me a kiss.

Bobby: Just hurry!

After pressing Send, she slipped the phone back into her pocket and gave herself another Mean Look. “You can do this, Bobby.”

When she emerged from the powder room, Bobby saw F waving at her excitedly. She could practically see the dollar signs shining in his eyes and knew that no matter how she felt now, this project would be a go.

“Sorry if I took so long,” she murmured as she joined F and the woman he was talking to. The two stood next to the glass walls overlooking the circuit, where the rest of the bikers were performing under Nessa’s flirtatious eye. The crowd of paps was still there, too, and at the sight of Bobby peering through the glass walls, all cameras immediately swung towards her direction.

She quickly pulled back, just in time to hear F say, “Bobby, this is Anna Largess, the head of Versatile.” Anna was tall, blonde, and svelte looking, and her china-blue eyes were cold and hard as they raked Bobby from head to toe.

“Anna, I’d like you to officially meet Bobby Granger, who we all look upon as our Wonder Woman because of how skilled she is at making rich men stay true to their donation pledges.”

Anna’s tone was cool as she murmured, “It’s a delight to finally meet you, Ms. Granger. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Oh really? Is that why you’ve decided to surprise us with the identity of your client?” She knew for a fact that F and Anna had spoken at length about their planned fundraiser, and not once had Anna mentioned that the client of her publicity firm was none other than Christopoulos, Inc.

“I thought it would be a nice surprise,” Anna answered smoothly, “knowing that it’s been quite some time since you and Leandro have seen each other.” Her eyes widened dramatically. “Oh, but sorry – I had assumed you’ve already moved on since you’re with Sabastian Gabris.”

So Anna the Bitch was on first name basis with him. The thought almost caused Bobby’s smile to falter, but she was able to keep her voice neutral as she said, “Nothing to apologize about. F and I always welcome every opportunity to give the kids a chance to enjoy new experiences.”

Before Anna could speak, Bobby went on talking about the recent projects of her foundation, deliberately making it sound as boring as possible. “Deafness,” she intoned self-righteously, “and other such handicaps must never be used as a reason to make individuals feel marginalized by the society in which they are an integral part of and as such is obliged to look after their welfare...”

By the time Bobby paused for breath, Anna had a pinched look on her face and F was visibly struggling not to laugh. It was one of her favorite subtle forms of revenge, and it never failed. Bobby started to speak again, but before she could do so a tall dark figure had come to stand beside Anna, and she forgot whatever she had to say.


LEANDRO CHRISTOPOULOS knew the exact moment Bobby came out of the powder room. Even though he had been observing the auditions below and had his back to the door, the sudden tingling sensation that struck his entire system had him swiftly spinning around. His eyes immediately found her, and Leandro drew his breath sharply.


She had changed...a lot. Her beautiful auburn hair was a lot shorter now, cut in a layered bob, with side-swept bangs that made her green eyes look larger. She was also dressed more stylishly than he remembered, no loose shirts or serviceable slacks. Instead, she was dressed in a red-knitted long sleeved blouse, tight enough to emphasize the generous curve of her breasts. The sight of them stirred a great deal of memories – of how they were just the slightest bit larger than his hands, of how her nipples were the color of pink roses...

He shifted, doing his best to cool his ardor because now was not the time to have an erection.

Bobby’s long legs were modestly covered by a loose black skirt that fell just a few inches above her ankles, and the slimness of her calves were accentuated by a pair of school girl shoes with tiny heels. She looked sexy and elegant, the perfect model for vintage Coca-Cola posters. Prettier than he had imagined and remembered, and he had missed her so damn much.

So much time had passed, and God only knew how he had survived such a long period of time not having any contact with her. But he was done sacrificing and paying for his sins. He loved Bobby, and he was not going to stop at anything to get her back.

Belatedly, he realized that Bobby wasn’t just talking to her boss but Anna Largess as well. Shit. When Derek had told him about how Bobby went as far as transferring to another college just to be free from anything that had to do with their past, Leandro knew he had to go through a third party to ensure he had an opportunity to speak with her.

