The Hunter (Monsters and Beauties #2) Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Monsters and Beauties Series by Jenika Snow

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38179 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 191(@200wpm)___ 153(@250wpm)___ 127(@300wpm)

As I imagined that, I felt my face heat.

I cleared my throat. “You don’t care if anyone comes looking for me? What if they find us and capture you to do crazy experiments or something?” At the thought of that, my stomach went sour and my heart started beating a funny tempo.

I didn’t like the thought of someone hurting him.

“Let them come,” he grumbled out and turned the meat, the continued sizzle of it cooking on the rock overly loud. “If they are smart and clever enough to find my lair,” he said slowly and looked at me. “And think they can take you from me…” he paused, his voice ominous. “They can fight me and see if they win.” His voice dropped lower. “They won’t. But they can try. I’ll rip their heads clean off their necks and feast on their blood.”

He went back to cutting off strips of meat, his mannerisms like what he’d just told me was everyday conversation.

I stared at the fire, lost in my own thoughts. I reached up and started braiding my hair, something I’d been doing the last two days to keep the tangles at bay.

In fact, I’d had to resort to really roughing it up in every aspect. Brushing my teeth with mint leaves he brought me, using sand along the edge of the pond to scrub myself before rubbing my skin with these pungent leaves he gave me, which I guess acted like soap.

When I glanced up, he had his gaze locked on the motion of me braiding the locks.

“Will you teach me?” His deep voice had my thighs involuntarily clenching. I was like Pavlov’s dog when it came to him. Just a rough growl from Wolf and my pussy perked right up.

“You want to learn to do my hair?”

He grunted and gave a nod of his boxy head.

“But why?” I felt my brows pull low in confusion.

“I want to care for you in all ways, and that includes ensuring you don’t have tangles.”

Oh God. There went my heart, doing that funny beat in my chest again.

I glanced away, my face burning. I hadn’t blushed so much in my life. “Okay,” I whispered, not allowing myself to look at him because I knew that would cause my brain to turn to mush and any self-control vanish. “I’ll teach you.” I closed my eyes and breathed out.

A long pause filled the cave, and I focused on the fire again before I tried one last time.

“Will you take me to my cabin?” I glanced at him again. “Please? I want my things. My sketchbook and pencils, my clothes, my comb and toothbrush and just… all my shit, Wolf.”

Although he brought my jacket and sketchpad from when I’d been running, the paper had gotten damp and torn, dirty from the fall, so was now useless. I also had nothing to draw with. And I was feeling a certain withdrawal from not being able to sketch.

“That will make you happy?”

His question surprised me, and I stared at him for long seconds before nodding. “Yes. That would make me happy.” Amongst other things, I thought to myself.

He grunted and went back to work cutting up the animal.

“Then I’ll take you where you need to go.”

All I could do was sit there and stare at him. That had seemed so… effortless. Why was it so easy now, but he’d made such a big deal about it before? Wolf glanced at me as if he read my thoughts.

“I’m an alpha. I’m dominant. And I always get my way.”

I refrained from rolling my eyes.

“But I can’t expect you to accept the situation and me, if I’m not willing to do the same.”

I blinked at his candor. Damn Wolf for making me like him a little more.

He grabbed the meat off the fire, not even acting like the heat bothered him, and brought the food over to me.

He sat in front of me, and I didn’t shy away as he picked up a piece of meat and gave it a few seconds for the strip to cool off.

I just stared at him, feeling something strange grow in my chest. For being so beastly, he was this gentle giant deep down inside.

Wolf held out the food and I went to take it from him, but his low growl and a small shake of his head stopped me.

“Let me feed you.” He leaned forward and focused on my mouth. “There’s nothing I want more than to please you, Marcella.” He was breathing harder now. “And feeding you gives me great pleasure. So open for me,” he huskily murmured.

I parted my mouth and let him slip the food inside.

“That’s my good girl,” he all but purred. “I want you to be happy here. I want to give you whatever you need and desire.”

As I chewed, my heart was pounding and my body was lighting up.

